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Help Needed For Maltese Shih Tzu

Jack Tar

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  On 11/10/2012 at 6:25 AM, Sheridan said:

Get them to check for an autoimmune disease.

I was going to say the same. While my boy was very fast between showing symptoms and being told what the issue is, what OP has posted is exactly how he was acting

He had PKD with his kidneys shutting down and and autoimmune disease.

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  On 12/10/2012 at 5:14 AM, Jack Tar said:

Thank you all for your thoughts. I understand fully that no one here can diagnose him for me but as I am in a race against time at the moment was throwing it out there in the faint hope someone had been through the exact same thing before that may give the clue we are so desperately looking for. As stated there are many tests I could have done, but they all take time. We found out today there are some irregularities in his urine sample, but not enough to go on to make an acute diagnosis. We now have to wait until Monday for the results of whether they could grow a culture from the bacteria in the urine.

In the meantime we have started the process of diagnosis by treatment, starting him on a general antibiotic to see if that improves the situation. I have also had him re-examimined by the local vet and requested some pain killers to ease his suffereing. Again, his vitals were fine and the only issue, a big issue mind you is the weight loss from not eating enough.

Again, thank you all for your kind words, it has helped me greatly, if only just to be able to get on here and unload my thoughts and concerns.

Sending healing vibes and positive thoughts. :grouphug:

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  On 12/10/2012 at 5:44 AM, Purdie said:

The poor dog ;you must be very worried I have heard good things about the Melbourne Veterinary Specialist Centre in Blackburn Road -Glen Waverley.

You will need a referral from your vet to go there.I hope you can find the cause and he recovers.

Yeah thats where I am going. Thanks

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Hi all,

Just a quick follow up.

I have now given him 2 doses of antibiotics and has had 1 pain killer at the vets. Since then I have blended up some low fibre special dog food with some water and spoon fed him. He has eaten nearly 200 grams of it in two sittings, plus drunk about 100 mls of water. Small step but this is a vast improvement on where we were 10 hours ago.

Fingers crossed

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  On 12/10/2012 at 5:42 AM, Haredown Whippets said:

Jack Tar I have one more possibility to add: liver shunt. I hope it isn't :(

Was going to suggest this as a possibility, it would be worth getting a bile acid/liver function test done as it can be more common in maltese.

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Possibly could have had parvo virus and this is now symptoms 'left over' from the effects of the virus, unless specific blood work is done to see if parvo is evident then you would not know if dog has been vaccinated against parvo it doesn't necessarily stop them getting it just less severe if they do.

Other possibilty is Diabetes but this should have been tested for in normal blood work.

Dog may have sustained a head knock at some stage unseen and had momentary loss of consciousness and is now showing post head injury symptoms.

Renal dysplasia is common in shih tzu breed and one of symptoms is incontinence and frequent urination, so urine test may point to this by level of protein, and specific gravity of urine. specific blood work looking at Kidney function indicators would also show elevated levels, definative diagnosis is not cheap and risky to dog as involves fine needle biopsy of kidney and or renal ultrasound. Diet is very important with this disease and makes a big difference to quality of life A low protein, low phosphorus, restricted sodium diet is usually prescribed.

And final thought is some type of poison to the system affecting the nervous system, dog may have eaten a plant, come in contact with a cane toad, spider bite, all very hard to detect and give variable symptoms but especially those you mention - limb tremor, muscle failing (inability to jump and lethargy), depression etc.

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Tick Bite Symptoms

If your dog displays any of the following warning signs…



Loss of appetite

Sudden pain in your dog's legs or body

Arthritis or swelling in your dog's joints



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