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Nobivac (10wk) Puppy Vaccination - Difficult To Locate


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Hi everyone,

I know the topic of vaccinations has been covered in detail, but after lots of searching on here I haven't been able to turn up what I'm looking for, so I'm hoping someone else might be able to help....

Our current dog was vaccinated as a puppy using Nobivac which allowed us to get him out and about at 12 weeks to socialise. That was 2.5 years ago in Sydney.

We're getting a new pup to add to the family who will be 11 weeks when we pick her up and I wanted to have her vaccinated using Nobivac so we can again start to socialise sooner rather than later. I'm waiting to hear back from the breeder as to how the pups are to be vaccinated but I suspect they will be vaccinated using the 3 x vaccination protocol (the more traditional method - if that's the right way to describe it).

So my two questions are:

- After calling around to 8 local vets, no-one locally seems to use Nobivac on the QLD Sunshine Coast - does anyone know of a vet either on the Sunny Coast or North Brisbane that uses Nobivac?

- Can you still vaccinate using Nobivac if the pup has started on a different vaccine or is it not effective?

Appreciate any advice....


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my vets use nobivac and say is doesn't matter if first vaccine was another brand just so long as there is 3 weeks between 1st and 2nd one.

glad we never had the 3 vaccine protocol in the uk!!

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