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First Attempt At Astrophotography


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Hi Guys, some might remember my thread a while ago about getting a telescope well we finally got a telescope, its an older one but has camera attachments and it was my OH's intention to learn how to take pictures of the sky, I knew this would end up resting on my shoulders and I said I am not doing it.......... Fast forward to the last week or so he got himself a new camera because I said he is not using my 7D not only due to the heaviness after a certain amount of googling the 7D has given a few astro photographers some grief. So waiting patiently for a moon we compramised that we would learn how do to it together! Fast forward to last night 3.30am and I find the best looking moon as I let the dogs out for a wee, does hubby get up to help??? NO No he doesn't so i thought what the hell i will give it a go on my own. :laugh:

This was the result, Im thinking not to bad for a first go, its hard because the moon is right there, these are not cropped at all, the telescope makes for an 1800mm lens, Im hoping to get better with time, these are not quite as clear as i would have liked but just thought i'd share anyway.





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Wow!!!! Look at the craters. I'd love to get a good shot of the moon. The best ones I have so far were taken with the 400D and a crappy 75-300 kit lens and hand held.

I think you're off to a good start. There's a section of astro photography on POTN, have you looked in there?

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Thanks, I'll check it out. I did see an amazing pic in the 70-200mm thread of the moon, it was awesome, have a go with yours you might be suprised!

I've tried a few times with this lens without much luck. I dont have a tripod which also makes it harder.

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