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Some Pretties


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So today I took my camera to work, which I have been doing recently as i am putting together a collage of our team as we haven't had any new pics for a long time, I got the camera out of the bag and went to use it on AV with iso on auto till i seen what was what, usually the light in there is the same but if it is a bright day the light can be brighter and I snapped a couple of pictures and they were completely black. So I was like :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: literally freaking out,, I went through what I thought was every setting and just knew something wasn't right but couldn't put my finger on what it was, the camera kept using iso 8000 yes 8000 and I just thought thats ridiculous! If I bumped the iso right up the photos weould be passable, anyway I switched to M and all was good, just used a faster shutter speed and stopped down to what I needed to be at and all good, got some good shots and it made me really think about what settings I needed to use as I was in the nursery after work and lots of sun and shade so needed to change often. Heres some of the pictures


I looked for bees and butterflies but all I got was this big fly. :laugh:







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Anyhow back to the camera problem, I came home and tried it again, took battery out, took lens off and on, tried the lens on the 650 and all good, put the 40mm on the 7D and it was doing it on that too and I had one last thought about the Ex Comp and sure enough it was on -5, I hardly ever change it ont he 7D, it was something I did a lot on the D80 but I just havent needed to on the 7D, so I just can not figure out how it could have got so far off centre? Its wierd, so after a big panic and having to force myself to use manual, the pics are a bit noisy mostly corrected in Lightroom, I was happy with them though and now not so scared to use full manual mode.

Still dissapointed I didnt see a butterfly or a bee. :(

Edited by tlc
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Thanks Guys!

Ha! Glad you sorted it out, my heart sank at first when I read your heading, I thought your camera was faulty. The flowers look lovely. Isn't Spring wonderful :D

Oh Linda, I was in a dither, really panicking which is just ridiculous, it's 'just' a camera right? :( :laugh: I was so glad I figured it out, just wish I knew how it could get that far out, I Know I didn't do it, I took the spider shots the night before and it was fine? It's just a mystery.

And yes spring is fabulous, so many colours and beautiful things to take picture of, the fly shot was one I thought the focus on him was good as he stayed so still for so long.

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