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Upset Stomach


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Hi all, my 1 year old lab pup has an upset stomach since Sunday night, she's had a case of the runs, no vomiting. I fasted her for 12 hours which stopped her running out to go #2's then put her on chicken and rice. She didn't have anymore movements until last night when she lost it all again runny smelly and yuck. Would I be best to take her to then vet now or is there something else i can try? I have some peptosyl which I could give her but don't know if I should or not. She's still drinking and happy going for walks and playing but just loose stools.

Forgot to mention she was on heat a couple of weeks ago, could it just be a hormonal change?

Edited by Tara8430
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Dogs can dehydrate very quickly, make sure the dog has ple ty of water and maybe even some hydralyte from the chemist in the water.

I would have fasted for 24 hours but if the dog is still reacting to food even after a 12 hour fast and has been ill since Sunday, I would be inclined for a vet visit as it may be an infection of some kind...

Can you check the dogs temperature, if that is raised I would definitely be off to the vets...

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Yeah she's still drinking I've made sure of that, she was fasted until about 3 on Monday after last feed being 6pm Sunday. Then I put her onto chicken and rice. I haven't seen her get into anything but with pups I guess you never know and being a lab everything goes in the mouth! She seemed fine Tuesday during the day but her movement last night was running and watery. She doesn't feel hot or seem out of sorts in any other way. I haven't got a thermometer to check her temp myself.

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Take her to the vet. My girl Kirah had a bout of the runs that came on suddenly and with no change in her behaviour. She was prescribed an antibiotic to help calm the gut lining and she came good after one day of tablets. She's only just finished the full weekly course but everything is good so far.

Please get your girl checked out; she might not have a temperature either. Kirah didn't.

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Ive booked her into the vet couldnt get her in till tomorrow. I'm out of town too I've got people looking after her which makes it worse. Ive been told the stools have mucus what could that mean? Volume is less though, poor little bugger be glad to get back to her this evening.

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Mucus can mena very irritated bowls - my dogs get this if they have too much bone in a meal.

My old boy used to get mucus in his poo when he had a bout of pancreatitis..

I would take food off her until you get to see the vet or just give her cooled chicken stock and rice (low salt or make your own is even better)..

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Could she be wormy? We were regularly worming and one of ours got zipper tapeworm oly symptoms diahrea badly into the vets for a stool sample and hats what thye found massive doese of wormer and then some specila stuff from vet with the good bacteria and shes fine now.

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even if you think it may be worms ... the rule is to NEVER worm a sick dog (unless it's done by a vet)

I hope she gets some help tomorrow ..and no food tonight will not harm her at all - but it WILL give her poor gut a rest and a chance to start healing :)

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Back home finally, well abbey is quite happy and seems fine but the poos in the yard which are small but runny, spoke with a vet today who said to give her the peptosyl but im still taking her in tomorrow to work out causing it. The peptosyl should firm her up by tomorrow afternoon. She was wormed about 3 weeks ago so yeah don't know about that. See how we go at the vet tomorrow, I know abbey loves her vet but geeez do I really have to go every couple of weeks....

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