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Dol Behaviourists...


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Hi All,

You probably remember I have a visiting old Airedale Terrier at the moment. This is his third or fourth visit. All has gone well until he arrived yesterday evening and then at 3.30 or 4 am this morning there was an almighty row between the Airedale and my Mac, my 13 year old westie, who occasionally gets the night wanders because of his dementia - so maybe he surprised the Airedale in the lounge. No blood drawn and some rough and tumble which I easily stopped and separated (yes I know... but I couldn't allow the racket to continue at that hour of the morning) - and they separated and stopped very easily.

I arrived home at 6 pm tonight, let the Airedale in from the backyard where he spent the day happily with plenty of water and shade - the westies have a doggie door and probably spend the day inside on the lounge or my bed!

Yet no sooner had I walked in the door then they were at it again in the kitchen - a drop or two of blood only - I think from Mac but can't be sure - so no major damage.

I suspect there is an alpha dog/pack settling issue going on here? But I'm no expert. I'm a little suspicious it possibly is also a fight over my attention (Mac is very very attached to me and the Airedale is quickly becoming very attached as well after his (human) Mum died unexpectedly back in April. His Dad reports he is far more relaxed here than at home now and appears to love the back garden which he doesn't ahve at home

I need to manage this and avoid any further injuries.

Is this likely to settle or will I need to stop the Airedale coming over? I can leave him in the backyard while I'm not here but there is a doggy door - which I can close if needs be for complete separation. I really don't want to come home to a badly damaged dog - and its likely to be Mac.

I'm really not quite sure what the best thing to do here is. So please could I have some DOL wisdom and advice?

Thanks all :)

ETA: I need to go out for a couple of hours - will come back to the thread later this evening :)

Edited by westiemum
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How often does the airedale visit and for what time periods? It's very unlikely that a situation where a dog comes and goes, who does not get on with the existing dog and where there has been multiple altercations, could be 'fixed'. Management and complete separation when you are not there is likely to be required.

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:( that's no good. I would be worried due to the size and breed difference. I'd be inclined to not let him come over or keep them seperated.

Good luck with it.

I was afraid that would be the advice and yes the size difference is a problem - but thats wise advice - thanks Aussie :)

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Well, there could be an endless number of reasons and trying to analyse them all will just lead you around in circles.

I consider this kind of problem a management issue.

The dogs at my place have to be strategically handled.

The green eye monster, among other things, is constantly lurking and will take any opportunity to raises its ugly head.

As I said there are other reasons but I ask my dogs to use good manners at all times and I try to enforce it diplomatically.

I have to protect the vulnerable and appease the powerful.

Its tricky, its very tricky, and I gauge my success by the number of months that pass without incident.

However, conflict always lies hovering under the surface.

It means you need to read all and every situation before they happen.

Good Luck

Edited by Tralee
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How often does the airedale visit and for what time periods? It's very unlikely that a situation where a dog comes and goes, who does not get on with the existing dog and where there has been multiple altercations, could be 'fixed'. Management and complete separation when you are not there is likely to be required.

Cosmolo it varies but averages a week every two to three weeks at the moment. For example he was here last week for two nights, went home for the long weekend and came back again last night.

Thanks for the advice. I think I'll leave the westies inside with the doggie door closed during the day and put the Airedale in the back garden (he's very relaxed and comfy out there) and see how we go.

Thanks very much C. Appreciated :)

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Well, there could be an endless number of reasons and trying to analyse them all will just lead you around in circles.

I consider this kind of problem a management issue.

The dogs at my place have to be strategically handled.

The green eye monster, among other things, is constantly lurking and will take any opportunity to raises its ugly head.

As I said there are other reasons but I ask my dogs to use good manners at all times and I try to enforce it diplomatically.

I have to protect the vulnerable and appease the powerful.

Its tricky, its very tricky, and I gauge my success by the number of months that pass without incident.

However, conflict always lies hovering under the surface.

It means you need to read all and every situation before they happen.

Good Luck

Thanks Tralee - thats very helpful too. :)

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I would keep them apart 100% of the time. Too dangerous otherwise

Yep Jed this seems to be the general consensus. Its a shame as the Airedale is a lovely dog and its all gone so well to start with - only going pear-shaped in the last 24 hours. But if the old Westie and Airedale don't get on then they don't get on.

Thanks for replying - very helpful. :)

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I would keep them apart 100% of the time. Too dangerous otherwise

Yep Jed this seems to be the general consensus.

Its a shame as the Airedale is a lovely dog and its all gone so well to start with - only going pear-shaped in the last 24 hours.

But if the old Westie and Airedale don't get on then they don't get on.

Thanks for replying - very helpful. :)

You're very welcome.

But don't be too down on yourself, they don't let all the animals in the zoo roam around on a whim.


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I would keep them apart 100% of the time. Too dangerous otherwise

Yep Jed this seems to be the general consensus.

Its a shame as the Airedale is a lovely dog and its all gone so well to start with - only going pear-shaped in the last 24 hours.

But if the old Westie and Airedale don't get on then they don't get on.

Thanks for replying - very helpful. :)

You're very welcome.

But don't be too down on yourself, they don't let all the animals in the zoo roam around on a whim.


Too true! :)

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