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How Many Hours Do You Spend On Dol :p


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I was thinking about how many hours I spend a day browsing, posting etc on DOL

could you imagine if it actually showed how many hours you have spent on here in your profile information?? :laugh: I don't think I would want to read mine

What do you think your " dol meter" would be?

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I used to read a lot here, now it's just.. wander past computer, hit refresh, reply to anything that looks interesting when I remember to go back.

Late evenings are a bit different. Still waiting on one last, slow hound to finish his dinner and can't go to bed until that happens so.. Dol time :D

Generally though.. it'd have to be at least one hour a day. And I've been a member for.. five years. So.. 1825 hours, if you assume only one hour a day *coughit'ssometimeslotsmorethanthatcough*

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I only have time for the ocassional quick look, & the odd post here & there on Dol lately, as I spend most of my computer time on FB recently in various groups...so I'm not too worried about my "dol meter"...my FB meter would be a differen't story though. :laugh:

Edited by Baileys mum
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always have DOL open in an app tab [Firefox], so it always loads up as soon as my browser is opened. Sometimes days pass as I keep forgetting to refresh :o But generally try to have a quick read of things [remember more so if I get an email reminder about a thread I'm following or the like].

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