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How Can I Advertise A Lost Dog?


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If you look at the list of sub forums you'll see one labeled "Lost and Found" you can put it in there. There's also a FB group for Lost and Found pets, also if you put where you're from there's bound to be someone on the forum near your area that can keep a look out and spread the word. Also if the dog is mic and reg with the local council you can register it as missing, also call up your local vet and surrounding pounds (not just in your area as people find dogs and take them to different areas and then drop them off), also lots of lost posters in your area as well as a letterbox drop. Hope that helps. Good luck in finding your dog

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Thank you, mixeduppup. I just found out how it works. It seems like that section won't accept ads from breeders who are not registered with the ANKCA (which I am not and will not). I am a registered breeder (but not with the ANKCA, because they won't recognise Australian-bred WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD DOGS, although the rest of the whole world will) and my dog is a very valuable purebred stud male who I gave in care to a person in Adelaide, having him sign a contract, and then this person disappeared with my dog and I am very concerned ... I will set up a new easy-to-find thread here in the forum and hope that someone will keep the eyes open at the right time.

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