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Dog Related Petitions Online


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I am getting really sick of online petitions for every. little. thing.

I am on several dog realated FB pages and this is where I am seeing them a lot. They are posted by animal activists who I'm sure have the best intentions. But they sweep people in who sign without being fully educated on the issue.

Some common ones -

Bring in compulsory desexing

Ban Pet Shops

Ban Puppy Farms

Ban Prong/shock/choke Collars

So whether or not you agree with the proposals, do you think these petitions carry much weight? I think we need more education and a tidy-up of existing laws that currently aren't enforced, rather than adding in more laws. But it does worry me whether these petitions have much likelihood of causing new laws. For example, compulsory desexing, I would like to have the choice on that one so I worry that it will become a law.

There is one girl trying to start up some more petitions at the moment. She calls herself an animal activist. She says she will not stop until laws are brought in to protect animals (banning byb's, puppy farms, and compulsory desexing) and that she is meeting with a member for parliament.

Of course I don't support puppy farms or BYBs but how will they discriminate? Would you be worried about people like this and their proposals?

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I don't think online petitions carry any weight. If you believe in a cause personally visit your local MP and get other locals to do the same.

The people who the government of the day will turn to re: animal welfare are major, recognised groups (RSPCA, state dog council). If you want to influence policy they are the groups that you need to work with, whether you like them or not.

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I always thought that a petition needed a signature (real) and details of the person signing for it to be legitimate !

I hope so, then it means these people are really wasting their time!

Nope, online signatures count, but I doubt these people are actually sending their petitions to anyone who matters, which makes them pointless.

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I wish online petitions were successful! But no, as with petitions in general, my opinion is that they are not very valuable as tools for changing anything.

They may indicate that something is an issue to the community, but don't have any practical effect. Particularly for dog related things, they're not vote winning or vote changing, so don't mean anything.

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Not pointless - gives the group s putting them up there all those personal details that they can use for mass mailouts, and phone calls in the future.

I wont sign the online for anything but legit people if you explain that you will sign and post in a form will email you a form.

I remember seeing on that was suppose to be against the government strengthening access to pers details for ASIO of something. Guess what when you clicked on said petition it took your details in a pop up box but never actually seemed all that legit. Yes they were collecting info of people who were aparently worried about the govt accessing the same pers details (note I didnt actually put my details in there)

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