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Puppy House-training


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Hi..just quickly .. he is a handsome boy :)

my first guess is submission/fear causing him to pee in the laundry - he is still a baby ... how do you put him in there?

What mistakes is he being allowed to make to warrant that many time outs?

It has very much been a love/hate relationship

How so ????

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I carry him in there and close the door behind him.

The only times I have placed him in there is when he has been either biting too hard or constantly jumping up on me while I am sitting in a chair (usually while I am eating).

I must add that I give him up to 5 warnings each time before I put him in there. When he bites too hard I will say "No!" and then give him a toy to chew. After a minute he will drop his toy and begin to bite hands/wrists. After a few warnings I will put him in timeout.

The same goes for jumping up on me. I will try to ignore him as best as I can (hard to do when he claws at me and causes pain). I will try and turn my back on him or say "No!". If it continues then into timeout he goes.

By "Love/hate" I don't really mean hate! As I'm sure it is with a lot of puppy owners they can become frustrating when continually doing the wrong thing.

I must add though that he is pretty good for the majority of the day. He just has his moments where for 25 minutes or so I feel like I cannot control him.

He is through 3 weeks of puppy school. One more week go to. He is getting quite good at "sit" and "stay" but mainly only when he knows I have a treat in my hand. He is gradually getting better without a treat. A week ago I had no chance of making him sit when he was in one of his extremely crazy/playful moods but over the last few days I have seen improvement there.

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Apart from biting too hard occasionally and jumping up while sitting he is very good! rarely bites furniture. Will occasionally jump up on the bed but he knows he is not supposed to be there as as soon as he sees me approaching he will quickly jump off and go to his own couch or bed.

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Oh and one more thing - I plan to continue obedience training with other classes once puppy school finishes.

Being my first dog and being a Sib which are quite difficult to train I think it's best to continue to get professional advice.

If anyone from SA knows of quality trainers please let me know!


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Put him in there twice today. He did a poo for the first time in there. Pee the second time he went in.

Really don't know what to do. Any help?!

He's learnt that area is his toilet spot. First thing would be to disinfect with vinegar to remove the scent - And maybe for now choose new time out spot!

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I have cleaned and sprayed with one of those dog pee spray repellents each time. I will try vinegar from now on and see if anything changes.

I don't really have another room/area to put him in which would be a suitable timeout spot. Especially unsupervised. Outside is the only other alternative and from what I have been told that is not a good place for timeout.

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I have cleaned and sprayed with one of those dog pee spray repellents each time. I will try vinegar from now on and see if anything changes.

I don't really have another room/area to put him in which would be a suitable timeout spot. Especially unsupervised. Outside is the only other alternative and from what I have been told that is not a good place for timeout.

Have you got a crate for him?

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The pup was crate trained when I first got him but ever since his flight from Brisbane to Adelaide when I bought him he HATES his crate. I tried for 2 weeks to change this but he howled for every single second he was in there each and every time.

Maybe this is a good spot to put him for timeout?

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