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Cheeky Checkout Woman


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Bought some dog food yesterday, something I dont normally do from a supermarket, but anyway, the checkout woman said, 'oh dog food? I've got some puppies I'm trying to sell, do you know anyone who would like a pug cross puppy?'

says I 'No, Pugs are they?'

She said 'Oh no, you wouldn't want to buy a purebred pug, dont get me started on purebreds!'

I didn't, I just walked off but felt tempted to report her for trying to sell her dogs to any passing customer. I wonder if she'd get a telling off.

Edited by Kirislin
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I would use the official complaint procedure on their website.

I would complain that the woman was trying to sell pups to people who were purchasing dog food. And that she insulted you by making a very nasty comment about your own activities, which are in competition to her dog selling business.

Two complaints in one means double trouble for her. We shouldn't have to put up with idiots like her annoying people who are just trying to buy groceries.

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Yes, BYB are stupid and irresponsible. Yes she needs education. Yes it was stupid of her to offer the pups to a customer.

But Jesus Christ some of you people are out of control. Report her? Seriously? So you want to put her employment in jeopardy just because you know better and feel superior?

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  On 19/09/2012 at 11:21 PM, Greytmate said:

I would use the official complaint procedure on their website.

I would complain that the woman was trying to sell pups to people who were purchasing dog food. And that she insulted you by making a very nasty comment about your own activities, which are in competition to her dog selling business.

Two complaints in one means double trouble for her. We shouldn't have to put up with idiots like her annoying people who are just trying to buy groceries.

I cant say I felt insulted, I just thought she was a dimwit and attempting to take advantage of every dog owner who passed through her checkout.

The funny thing is, she doesn't remember, but she WAS very rude to me when the bushfires where all happening here. A few of us had put our horses in the pony club grounds because they were safer than our own paddocks. She had put an old snotty nosed buckskin in there, and I asked her about the gunk coming out of his nose. I was concerned it might be contagious to the other horses. She snapped at me to stop whinging and mind my own business. So..........she's been duly reported to Coles management :laugh: with a suggestion that she needs some extra training, I'm not looking to get her sacked.

Edited by Kirislin
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  On 20/09/2012 at 12:30 AM, Sabbath said:

Yes, BYB are stupid and irresponsible. Yes she needs education. Yes it was stupid of her to offer the pups to a customer.

But Jesus Christ some of you people are out of control. Report her? Seriously? So you want to put her employment in jeopardy just because you know better and feel superior?

Because when I pay for my groceries, I don't want a free serve of bullshit.

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  On 20/09/2012 at 12:36 AM, Greytmate said:
  On 20/09/2012 at 12:30 AM, Sabbath said:

Yes, BYB are stupid and irresponsible. Yes she needs education. Yes it was stupid of her to offer the pups to a customer.

But Jesus Christ some of you people are out of control. Report her? Seriously? So you want to put her employment in jeopardy just because you know better and feel superior?

Because when I pay for my groceries, I don't want a free serve of bullshit.

Nor do I. It was really stupid of her, I agree. But when did it become ok to possibly ruin someone's employment just because you have a better understanding of how and why dogs should be bred?

I'm not denying she should have kept her mouth shut. She is totally in the wrong. I think BYB should be illegal. But is that a reason to report her?

This forum is a great source of information with many very knowledgeable people. But sometimes the bubble in which it exists makes for some scary attitudes.

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  On 20/09/2012 at 12:42 AM, Sabbath said:
  On 20/09/2012 at 12:36 AM, Greytmate said:
  On 20/09/2012 at 12:30 AM, Sabbath said:

Yes, BYB are stupid and irresponsible. Yes she needs education. Yes it was stupid of her to offer the pups to a customer.

But Jesus Christ some of you people are out of control. Report her? Seriously? So you want to put her employment in jeopardy just because you know better and feel superior?

Because when I pay for my groceries, I don't want a free serve of bullshit.

Nor do I. It was really stupid of her, I agree. But when did it become ok to possibly ruin someone's employment just because you have a better understanding of how and why dogs should be bred?

I'm not denying she should have kept her mouth shut. She is totally in the wrong. I think BYB should be illegal. But is that a reason to report her?

This forum is a great source of information with many very knowledgeable people. But sometimes the bubble in which it exists makes for some scary attitudes.

Do you think it is acceptable for retail staff to try to solicit private business while they are being paid to do a job? I don't and that is what she would be reported for. Do you think it is acceptable for retail staff to give their own personal criticism on any subject, while being paid to do a job?

She sounds like she is not cut out for working with the public. She has ruined her own employment. The BYB is a side-issue.

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  On 20/09/2012 at 12:36 AM, Greytmate said:
  On 20/09/2012 at 12:30 AM, Sabbath said:

Yes, BYB are stupid and irresponsible. Yes she needs education. Yes it was stupid of her to offer the pups to a customer.

But Jesus Christ some of you people are out of control. Report her? Seriously? So you want to put her employment in jeopardy just because you know better and feel superior?

Because when I pay for my groceries, I don't want a free serve of bullshit.


Sabbath I think you're seeing the wrong point. Kirislin and many of the people here, myself included, may have a personal issue with her BYB attitude, but it wasn't that which was reported (As has been said why would her management care about her motivation for breeding dogs) - it was the fact that she was trying to sell a passing customer something for personal profit. Personally I wouldn't be impressed at being offered a puppy in a supermarket checkout no matter how it was bred and I would likely report myself. The only way mistakes can be fixed is to address them, not ignore them.

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I dont feel it's a sackable offence, I think she is new there, I haven't seen her working there before. I know for a fact she has a rude, abrasive manner, because of her previous words with me, but who knows, perhaps with some more people skills training she will make a fine checkout operator.

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Guest lavendergirl

I wouldn't report her either. Check-out operators have said all manner of stupid things to me but unless they are overtly rude I just brush it off - better things to worry about.

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I think reporting the "incident" is reaaaaalllllly excessive. Since when is friendly debate, networking and small talk, even if at work, a no-no. Do i agree with the whole BYB issue, no. Do i agree with her stance on cross breeds as oppose to purebreeds, not really. But i don't really have any issue with asking the question, certainly not something i would want to get someone possible fired for!

Also bear in mind when debating the whole purebreed vs cross breed issue that the majority of pure breed dogs were originally created by crossing different breeds to create desirable traits.

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