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Heart Testing


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For those that were not aware, we now have a Veterinary Cardiology Specialist in Sydney as well as the ones in Melbourne and Brisbane (so now there are 3 cardiology specialists in the country!)

Dr Neik Beijerink DVM PhD Dipl ECVIM-CA (Cardiology) N9443 recently moved here from the Netherlands. Initially for one year, but on talking to him yesterday, he and his family are looking to stay for quite a while which is great :thumbsup:

He is located at the University of Sydney and consults through the teaching hospital clinic. You can get appointments with him through there.

I met him yesterday when he was doing a heart clinic for the CKCS Club of NSW (I attended the clinic with three of my Pyrs - all now certified heart clear :) . Many thanks to the club for running the clinic!).

I understand he is doing another clinic in Canberra for the CKCS Club of ACT on Nov 10?

So great for NSW people that we don't have to go to Melbourne for any specialist cardiology consults or testing that is required (outside of the occasional clinics run by those wonderful clubs that arrange them) and clubs in NSW and ACT etc now have someone much closer they can use if they wish to run clinics :thumbsup:

Edited by espinay2
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