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Friend Told Not To Give Dog Any Raw Chicken As Is Dangerous!?


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I have been feeding a diet consisting mainly of raw chicken wings & necks since 1985. The diet was 1st suggested to me by a now retired Vet, due to my dogs at that time, having tooth tarter & stomach gas

In 27 years, I have never again had problems with my dogs teeth nor indigestion.

The FRESHNESS of the chicken is crucial

I buy very fresh chicken at a wholesaler, Camaroto Poultry, on Thompsons Road, 1 KM East of KCC Park

I pay $24.00 for a 15 kilo box.... WAY cheaper per kilo, than even supermarket dog food!

I then freeze it in portions ready to thaw in the fridge the night before

ALL my pups start on necks at 4 weeks of age

I also feed a COOKED LOAF of carrot, sweet potato ,eggs, white potato, fish, & pumpkin. I add plain gelatin to make a solid loaf that I can cut

The few times I have bought chicken at the large supermarket chains, it smelled after a day in the fridge

I have never ever found this to be true when buying from the wholesalers

Vets, have a vested interest in selling $100.00 + a bags of dog food They make commission

Almost all dry dog food consists mainly of grains, Grains of any kind are NOT a natural part of the canine diet

IF you have a breed with a deep narrow chest, grains can contribute to Gastric Torsion/Bloat

It is not the dryness it is the grains, beet pulp corn wheat, which makes up most of a bag of dry food JMHO FWIW

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