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I noticed these the other night and thought they looked like canine acne (my sisters dog had it once - she was told to stop feeding from a plastic bowl and it cleared up right away).

Zig is not fed from plastic - he has ceramic bowls for water and food.

He does have kongs and other rubbery type toys..

He is also starting to scratch his tummy and flea his legs but there is nothing where he is scratching (and fleaing himself) - no redness, no fleas...

I tubbed him with watered down malaseb last week but it made no difference at all.

I am hoping he is not like Ollie was and gets itchy every spring with all the new grass etc around...

Any suggestions - he will go to the vet on Friday if they haven't cleared by then on their own.


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As Erny will tell you, Calendular Tea does take the redness out and it will help a little with the itchies.

Also there are many products on the market for itchy dogs....Malaseb tends to be a bit harsh on the skin and I wouldn't use it unless it was for a specific problem as indicated on the bottle.

Today I have bought a big bottle of Alloveen shampoo plus the conditioner which I am going to use from now on in most cases.

There are a LOT of dogs with skin problems....can be environmental or sometimes dietary.

The best way to find out exactly what the problem is, is to take your dog to a doggy dermatologist vet.

Otherwise it is just guesswork!

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I used Aloveen on him and he seemed to itch more, that is why I tried the Malaseb.. I water it down before putting it on and I wash it off pretty quick.. I used to use it on the old stafford in spring time, as he always got itchy from the grass..I mix up a quater bottle of Malaseb to three quarters water..

The pimples don't seem to be bothering him, so I might see if they will go away on their own...

As for the itches, i will try some calendula tea...

Thanks all.

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I spent half of yesterday (and a small fortune) at a canine dermatologist's at Murdoch Uni and it looks like one of the symptoms I asked about.

My boxer has been voraciously chewing his underside, flanks and paws and his muzzle has broken out into lumpy 'pimples' like Ziggy. The dermatologist said that it was probably irritation caused by the constant 'fleaing' he's been doing.

She agreed with Erny's standby of calendula tea as being very soothing. Thanks Erny! :thumbsup: My dog's test results so far confirmed that he is atopic to tons of grasses, dust mites, insects etc. so we have a long road ahead of us but some of the simpler treatments of the symptoms were:

Ditch the Aloveen shampoo and use QV wash once a week.

Calendula tea is excellent to rinse/ spray on the coat and soothe irritated skin.

Make a dilution of QV bath oil and water up in a spray bottle and spray/ wipe onto skin.

Apply a spot-on of 'Essential 6' oils onto the back of the neck and base of the tail once a week.

Add fish oil to the diet.

We have a heap of other things to do, but they probably apply to Bruno's particular allergies and might not be applicable to your dog.

Good luck with Ziggy. :)

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I am going to make an appointment with the vet on Monday..

I have tried Malaseb, I bought the QV and gave that a go today and he is scratching and fleaing himself heaps...

It seems to be his tummy, all four legs and his rump where he sits.....

I can see a bit of redness on his tummy but he is really dark, so I can't see anything on his legs. He doesn't have any redness in between his toes, which I would have expected if it was a contact allergy...

There is no sign of fleas, so that's a good thing.

The pimples don't seem as bad as they were the other night. I have just wiped them with a cloth soaked in warm salty water morning and night...

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Poor Ziggy :(

The areas that he is itchy are the same as Bruno's.

I wonder if he is allergic to something in the air/ environment? There are so many problematic pollens/ grasses around in spring....

My old stafford used to get the same thing at the same time of year.

I always thought it was something they used at the local park because if I didn't take him to the park for a week or so, it seemed to settle.

But Ziggy hasn't been to the park for a week and he is still scratching..

Hopefully the vet can see something because the only place that I can see any redness (and it really isn't that red) is on his tummy...

I have washed all his bedding and mine this weekend in hot water, so if there are any fleas that should kill any eggs.

My son thinks it is fleas (I don't as we have no bites and I haven't seen any indication like dried blood or fleas themselves) because Ziggy has been digging in the backyard again and when he and Gus came here last year they were covered in fleas..

Hopefully I can get to the bottom of it quick, I hate to see them uncomfortable..

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