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Sheep- Dog.....

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:eek: poor doggy, did you take a before shot? He must have been wooly? Is he some kind of poo x?

Cavalier/Poodle ...before shearing! Exacly 6 months since I last sheared him.


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Looks like my stepsons girlfrinds dog, I did her last weekend. Took me 3 hours, the poor thing was so good and stood beautifully. The owner felt so bad, she has been grooming her but the hair was so long it was just skimming over the top and not getting deep. She had knots everywhere, even on her feet. I have told her that she is not to leave it more than 5 weeks to bring her back and I will redo her. The dog is mini poodle xmini schauzer. Pretty little thing.

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Looks like my stepsons girlfrinds dog, I did her last weekend. Took me 3 hours, the poor thing was so good and stood beautifully. The owner felt so bad, she has been grooming her but the hair was so long it was just skimming over the top and not getting deep. She had knots everywhere, even on her feet. I have told her that she is not to leave it more than 5 weeks to bring her back and I will redo her. The dog is mini poodle xmini schauzer. Pretty little thing.

A lot of the Schnauzer x's have really funky difficult coats!

All groomers see dogs like this every day across the country, but it's reasonably rare to get it all off in one big piece that actually stays together. I used a 7# on my Laube clippers & was done in 1 hr 15 mins with bath/dry & everything else.

Here is a bit of fun I had with the fleece before I binned it......

wrapped around the shop toy...


I was thinking I needed a rug to cover up the grotty floor boards in my new home, hmmm........


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Wow! I can't believe people can let it get that bad!!

I normally keep my two clipped quite short because I don't like the maintenance but I have found that this winter (when I let them get a bit longer) if I regularly wash them and dry them with the doggy drier (proper grooming salon one) it goes along way to keeping their coats mat free. Obviously I brush them alot but the dryer is certainly a godsend!

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Well I'm surprised it doesn't look that long for 6 months growth, my guys would be super long if they weren't clipped for 6 months.

Edited to add, I just had a closer look at the pics and maybe it's because the fur is pretty curly?

I couldn't imagine leaving my guys for 6 months what a job it would be to clip them off, you did well to do it in the time you did.

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Well I'm surprised it doesn't look that long for 6 months growth, my guys would be super long if they weren't clipped for 6 months.

Edited to add, I just had a closer look at the pics and maybe it's because the fur is pretty curly?

I couldn't imagine leaving my guys for 6 months what a job it would be to clip them off, you did well to do it in the time you did.

Yes the fact that the coat is super curly makes it look like less growth, coupled with the fact that it got a very short 7# from tip to tail 6 months ago.

Iv'e had 26 yrs of daily practice to improve my speed :D

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we sure do.

Just this week I had a few more sheep-dogs, one of which was a Poodle 6 months out from it's last clip also, but worse than the coat neglect was the toe nail growth! Owners fail to understand the damage that this sort of thing can do to their dog. And then there was the 42kg Labrador I washed, sorry, sumo wrestled, yesterday :mad

Poodle with overgrown nails. These are a long way from the worst we see, but still badly overgrown. They remind me of Tarantulas!



Thats better.


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:eek: God thats just awful, how do you deal with them if they are that long, don't the quicks grow too so you wouldn't be able to cut them too short? I usually clip my guys nails once a fortnight and even then sometimes I think they are too long but I am too scared to cut them any shorter. we don't do any walks on the concrete only in grass so they don't get naturally worn down.

Looking at the pics in the first instance I did think they were spiders. :laugh: Poor doggy!

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sometimes the quicks grow down and it is hard to cut much off. Thankfully for this little dog I was able to cut a significant amount off. I could get them back a bit more if it was done regularly for a while though. I love cutting toe nalis. There are usually a few clues to how close the quick is, if you know what you're looking for. Some breeds or individuals have what I call 'easy bleeders' though.....doesn't seem to matter how cautious you go you still scrape a quick!

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I bet he feels a lot better without all that hair!

Yes you can only imagine how good it feels to get that immovable clump off and feel clean & have air on your skin. I always imagine it would be like if you'd been gardening all day in a woolen jumper & were all hot, sweaty, prickly & itchy and then you went and showered & changed!

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I see this alot at a girlfriends place, she's a groomer and some of the poor dogs that come in would break your heart. All felted up like that and the owners say they've been grooming but then he got wet, or they left him with friends for a couple of days and he wasn't brushed, all lies. She shears it off as you've done, and underneath it's crawling with fleas. She sees their dew claws and even other toe nails curled round imbedded into their legs, sometimes with the dew claws it's difficult to tell which end to cut! She tells the owners and they go Oh.......I wondered why he was limping. or I wondered why he was licking it all the time. One time she had a woman ring up with an emergency, she needed to get her dog clipped right away because he couldn't poo. His bottom had closed over with matted poo and fur. :mad

After they're all clipped off, flea bathed and dried they cavort around like puppies, it must feel so good to them.

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