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Amazing Dog Grooms!


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Not sure if someone has posted this already but I had to share!


I know some will think its cruel and distressing for the dogs, but I laughed (a lot) and was amazed at the sheer creativity and technical skill needed to do that work. As well as being generally flabbergasted :laugh:

Hope some appreciate the amusing side of it all!

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Some creative ones there! :laugh: They have a set time to do it in. The dogs are used to being groomed so it is no big deal for them (poodles have to be used to it even for normal grooming). They are often clipped off afterwards (they are 'normal' dogs both before and afterwards, though before a comp they may have their coat grown out longer so that there is more to work with). They don't actually look like that for long! The ONLY thing they are changing is the hair - nothing else. Not really any different to a human hairdressing competition. I don't see any unhappy dogs in the pictures :) .

Edited by espinay2
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I can't fathom how anyone would consider that doing that to a dog is even remotely acceptable.

Just how long did those poor creatures have to stand on a grooming table? I would also hope that the dye and presumably glue used is non-toxic and non-allergenic?

Some people should just get a toy, rather than a living breathing animal, if they have so little respect for what should be a companion animal.

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think you will find its a comp, the dogs are used to it and as if they would use toxic colours on them :laugh:

im sure thoese dogs in those photos get more attention than a lot of dogs around... including my own! My SBT would love to have someone spend so much time on her

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I agree with others that it's really not cruel. I am pretty sure, like most dogs that are lovelingly groomed for the show ring, they get more time spent on them than the average pet dog. They don't leave them like that, afterwards, and the dogs are so used to being groomed, the probably enjoy it. none of those dogs look unhappy.

I don't like many of the designs though... a lot of them are really messy looking. Clever, but messy - too much going on.

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