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Are 2 Dogs Better Then 1

Guest donatella

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Disclaimer: I'm NOT a showie, and I don't understand a lot of it, so correct me if I'm way off

But am I the only one that finds it weird that this breeder would be willing to sell a pup on breeders terms to someone who is new to the showing world an isn't able to commit 100%, in return for a few breedings from him? I mean he might not even get titled....like I said correct me if I'm wrong, but I just figure (from her perspective) if she doesn't have time to title this guy, but she wants a litter from him, why not sell him to someone who is 100% committed to titling him

Nothing against you Don, I see where you're coming from because I know what its like to do shift work

Show homes are not alllllll that common. There are dogs that are not shown but either have a large genetic value, or are run on to see how they turn out and used if they are worthy/desexed if they are not. The title per se doesnt make them any better so a local pet home where the breeder can do a proper assessment as the pup grows regarding structure and temperament may be the best thing for that individual. As a breeder I am not to fussed if the dog I use over my bitch is not a champion- its much better for me to know the dog well and know how he will match with my bitch. Two champion dogs do not always make champion puppies. My first girl came from two dogs shown very little (not titled) and she is a champion and produced champions.

I boils down to the fact that if its a great dog it will be a great dog regardless of being shown.

Other breeders get their puppy owners to just come to the occasional big event (2-3 times per yr) rather than showing regularly and that pup might still end up with a title if they are good enough :thumbsup: without being to onerous on their owners.

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Guest donatella

Remember, sometimes having two girls doesn't work out. Can you keep them apart permanently in the future if it came down to it?

Sometimes having 2 boys doesn't work out, sometimes having a boy and a girl doesn't work out so you should have the same contingency plan no matter what the sex :shrug:

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I love having girls and would easily have a house full of them, sex would only be a consideration for me if I was breeding and needing one or the other. Personally I would not likely select a pup that was already three months old, but that's just my personal preference.

Edited by huski
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Hmm, it seems to me as though you've already made up your mind not to take the little girl pup and just wait.. ? That seems to be coming through in the last few pages of this thread, to me.. if I were you I would just wait it out. The perfect dog will come along and there won't be things like co-ownership and contracts to sort out, and all the planets will align.

I'm not a believer in fate or anything like that, but I do get the sense that this is one of those stories that will end in a 'thank god I waited' type thing?

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Disclaimer: I'm NOT a showie, and I don't understand a lot of it, so correct me if I'm way off

But am I the only one that finds it weird that this breeder would be willing to sell a pup on breeders terms to someone who is new to the showing world an isn't able to commit 100%, in return for a few breedings from him? I mean he might not even get titled....like I said correct me if I'm wrong, but I just figure (from her perspective) if she doesn't have time to title this guy, but she wants a litter from him, why not sell him to someone who is 100% committed to titling him

Nothing against you Don, I see where you're coming from because I know what its like to do shift work

Show homes are not alllllll that common. There are dogs that are not shown but either have a large genetic value, or are run on to see how they turn out and used if they are worthy/desexed if they are not. The title per se doesnt make them any better so a local pet home where the breeder can do a proper assessment as the pup grows regarding structure and temperament may be the best thing for that individual. As a breeder I am not to fussed if the dog I use over my bitch is not a champion- its much better for me to know the dog well and know how he will match with my bitch. Two champion dogs do not always make champion puppies. My first girl came from two dogs shown very little (not titled) and she is a champion and produced champions.

I boils down to the fact that if its a great dog it will be a great dog regardless of being shown.

Other breeders get their puppy owners to just come to the occasional big event (2-3 times per yr) rather than showing regularly and that pup might still end up with a title if they are good enough :thumbsup: without being to onerous on their owners.

Thanks, makes a lot of sense

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Guest donatella

Hmm, it seems to me as though you've already made up your mind not to take the little girl pup and just wait.. ? That seems to be coming through in the last few pages of this thread, to me.. if I were you I would just wait it out. The perfect dog will come along and there won't be things like co-ownership and contracts to sort out, and all the planets will align.

I'm not a believer in fate or anything like that, but I do get the sense that this is one of those stories that will end in a 'thank god I waited' type thing?

That's some pretty big assuming there coming from someone who wasn't there, hasn't met the breeder, doesn't know the details or the outcomes or the dogs.

Whoever said anything about coownership? Particularly noone said that about the girl.

I'd like to think i'm dog savvy enough to make reasonable decisions, it was a thread about 1 dog to 2, then I asked questions about the breeders prospect regarding the boy, not the girl. In which a few breeders have stated it was not a total out of the ordinary proposition presuming everything was detailed in a contracted protecting both sides. Since viewing the pups however the boy and I didn't even click, the girl pretty much chose me, she has no contract, she is from excellent stock, her father is a champion and I saw the entire pack and the breeder is 30mins from my house. Now I don't believe in fate either but when you have 2 breeders in your city, 1 of which whom doesn't even breed for the public and you come across a litter of extraordinary pups, when you have been considering a second for some time, i'd like to think of that as a pretty good opportunity. I've never bought interstate myself, I am still a bit old fashioned where I like to meet the litter myself.

I grew up with 2 bitches, i'm well aware of the consequences, I have also been taking everyones advice on board but this thread was "is 2 dogs better then 1" not should donatella make her own decisions about buying a puppy to suit her own lifestyle with a breed she loves and adores with her own money.

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i wouldnt take it

One its too old for me. I took kaos at 4 months of age, the damage already done to her was there for life (note, the breeder was great, but she didnt get out with other dogs and now has fear aggression towards them)

you also have your heart set on a boy, so keep looking and get a boy - I agree, i like boys better :) but i will always have one of each :)

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And don't worry if you want to show but worry that you won't get every show day off, I certainly don't! I've only been to 2 shows (mainly coz she's now a neuter and I work weekends in a country area) there is no rule that to get your CH you have to show every single weekend and get those points as fast as possible. We currently have 6 points, and I'm happy to take a couple years to get the rest :) slow and steady!!

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Guest donatella

I don't recall asking choice I should make as a grown woman I am capable of doing that.

Thanks to those who gave advice re my questions :)

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I don't recall asking choice I should make as a grown woman I am capable of doing that.

Thanks to those who gave advice re my questions :)

You are just being really rude now. Not really sure why. You took the topic into the current direction btw when you spoke about going to see the puppies and how they acted.


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Guest lavendergirl

Hmm, it seems to me as though you've already made up your mind not to take the little girl pup and just wait.. ? That seems to be coming through in the last few pages of this thread, to me.. if I were you I would just wait it out. The perfect dog will come along and there won't be things like co-ownership and contracts to sort out, and all the planets will align.

I'm not a believer in fate or anything like that, but I do get the sense that this is one of those stories that will end in a 'thank god I waited' type thing?

That's some pretty big assuming there coming from someone who wasn't there, hasn't met the breeder, doesn't know the details or the outcomes or the dogs.

Whoever said anything about coownership? Particularly noone said that about the girl.

I'd like to think i'm dog savvy enough to make reasonable decisions, it was a thread about 1 dog to 2, then I asked questions about the breeders prospect regarding the boy, not the girl. In which a few breeders have stated it was not a total out of the ordinary proposition presuming everything was detailed in a contracted protecting both sides. Since viewing the pups however the boy and I didn't even click, the girl pretty much chose me, she has no contract, she is from excellent stock, her father is a champion and I saw the entire pack and the breeder is 30mins from my house. Now I don't believe in fate either but when you have 2 breeders in your city, 1 of which whom doesn't even breed for the public and you come across a litter of extraordinary pups, when you have been considering a second for some time, i'd like to think of that as a pretty good opportunity. I've never bought interstate myself, I am still a bit old fashioned where I like to meet the litter myself.

I grew up with 2 bitches, i'm well aware of the consequences, I have also been taking everyones advice on board but this thread was "is 2 dogs better then 1" not should donatella make her own decisions about buying a puppy to suit her own lifestyle with a breed she loves and adores with her own money.

That seems a pretty harsh response to a fairly inoffensive comment :confused:

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Guest donatella

Hmm, it seems to me as though you've already made up your mind not to take the little girl pup and just wait.. ? That seems to be coming through in the last few pages of this thread, to me.. if I were you I would just wait it out. The perfect dog will come along and there won't be things like co-ownership and contracts to sort out, and all the planets will align.

I'm not a believer in fate or anything like that, but I do get the sense that this is one of those stories that will end in a 'thank god I waited' type thing?

That's some pretty big assuming there coming from someone who wasn't there, hasn't met the breeder, doesn't know the details or the outcomes or the dogs.

Whoever said anything about coownership? Particularly noone said that about the girl.

I'd like to think i'm dog savvy enough to make reasonable decisions, it was a thread about 1 dog to 2, then I asked questions about the breeders prospect regarding the boy, not the girl. In which a few breeders have stated it was not a total out of the ordinary proposition presuming everything was detailed in a contracted protecting both sides. Since viewing the pups however the boy and I didn't even click, the girl pretty much chose me, she has no contract, she is from excellent stock, her father is a champion and I saw the entire pack and the breeder is 30mins from my house. Now I don't believe in fate either but when you have 2 breeders in your city, 1 of which whom doesn't even breed for the public and you come across a litter of extraordinary pups, when you have been considering a second for some time, i'd like to think of that as a pretty good opportunity. I've never bought interstate myself, I am still a bit old fashioned where I like to meet the litter myself.

I grew up with 2 bitches, i'm well aware of the consequences, I have also been taking everyones advice on board but this thread was "is 2 dogs better then 1" not should donatella make her own decisions about buying a puppy to suit her own lifestyle with a breed she loves and adores with her own money.

That seems a pretty harsh response to a fairly inoffensive comment :confused:

How was that harsh? i thought it was a pretty fair explanation :shrug:

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I took it as very harsh and defensive too - especially the last sentence. Some people have pointed out that the chances of aggression are higher with two bitches. That is a simple fact about dogs. Most people who come on DOL wanting two girls are warned about this. Sure, it can work out, but when bitches get a grudge they tend to hold onto it.

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Guest donatella

The breeder (with 27 years Pom breeding experience) actually recommended 2 Pom girls as a mix. I am taking in what people are saying, but I am also listening to long term breed experienced people as well.

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