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Help: Dog's Leg Muscle Seized Up


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One of Elsie's leg muscles seized up before, the muscle in her left thigh went rigid and the leg kind of extended forward a little and I couldn't get her to stretch it back past where her leg normally goes under her. She wasn't in any pain, had a waggy tail while I was freaking out over it. Lasted for about 2 minutes, as soon as I picked up the phone to call the vet it went normal again. It's 7.40am here, she has eaten breakfast but has not been exercised this morning (no fetch or anything), and we didn't go out yesterday since the weather was miserable, but played a bit of tug and did some obedience training. She did go for a big off lead walk on Monday. Have got a vet appointment scheduled for just over an hour away, she seems fine right now sitting on my bed as usual at this time in the morning. Any ideas of what's going on????

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