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How Can I Find Out What Is Hurting Her?


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I noticed today my female is 'favouring' her right leg a little. She'll put weight on it, but every now and then she'll lift it up. I did notice yesterday that when I put her harness on, she was flicking her right leg, like the harness was hitting a nerve, so I loosened it off and it was ok after that.

I know I need to make an appointment for her to get it checked out - but I only lost my male dog on Saturday after being PTS at the vet (you'll see my previous thread) and I'm so scared to go down there.

She does have Prolet for her arthritis (she's had ACL surgery on both back legs 4 years ago - and she is only given it when she needs it) here, but after everything that happened with my little man, I'm absolutely petrified of giving her AI's and the 'other' fears.

Is there any way I can work out where she is uncomfortable?

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I'm sorry but if you truly want to find out what is wrong, the vet is the only answer.

I can understand how you feel about going to the vet, but really, is your fear a fair reason to withhold treatment that might make your girl more comfortable? She doesn't understand why you feel like you do, she just understands that she has a sore leg. You have the power to help fix that.........

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I would say leave it to the vet, I know you've had a really miserable time but I'd be worried any investigation or anything I could do personally would do more harm and leave me stuck in a worse predicament than originally expected.

So sorry you've had a tough time, but here's hoping she's just pulled a muscle and will be right as rain in no time!

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I'm sure she'll soon be OK. My little boy has leg problems (he's over 12 yrs old), he's had cruciate ligaments go due to Cushings and the last time I was sure that would be that but Cartrophen injections saved the day again.

I also recently rescued a little old Foxy girl who was in a lot of pain with arthritis and screamed a lot, i was sure the vet was going to tell me nothing much could be done but she had a series of 4 injections (I can't think of the name of the stuff it's quite new) and she was like a new dog.

Wishing you the best with your little girl!

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Can understand how you're feeling .. Meant to say before that the ' firsts ' are always hard...so it would be good to get this first vet visit over. Be prepared for some tears..on your pat and maybe the vet staff..that's OK. And you will feel so much better helping your little girl. (( ))

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