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Distractions Around My House


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I should be working. Or painting. Or doing housework. But I keep getting distracted by the stupidly loud birds outside of my office window. Good excuse to give the 100-400 some love, I guess.



Neither pup is that excited about me getting the camera out:

Dora meditates


and Tilly furiously pretends to sleep


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Thanks, All. I spent quite a bit of time on my patio yesterday, just enjoying the "first day of spring" (I'm still not used to it being the first of the month instead of actually related to the earth's cycle!) I again can't get over how many birds, lizards and other critters happily wander around out there.

I detest these guys - huge ICK factor for me


Honeyeater on the retic hose


And, of course, Camera Slut Boy Lobo


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Got dive bombed by three of these guys yesterday. Batstards.



While we were standing around chatting, my gardener found this little guy hanging out in a plant. I had a play with some actions I found languishing on the hard drive thanks to a restart that disappeared all of my actions from PSCS5


and mono


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