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Possible Tumor In Our Chi X


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Hi All, Just wanted to talk about one of our fur babies. Tug is 10 and a half year old Chi X. We noticed a lump on his paw, near dew claw a couple of weeks ago and thought maybe it was just irritated due to his licking his feet alot (has always done this) or maybe just it was swollen and would go away. It now is still there and we took him to the vet the other day for his yearly allergy injection (he gets very itchy this time of year, possibly grass allergy) and we thought we should mention the lump.

The vet had a feel of it and said that its either a tumor or fibrous tissue due to a possible foreign body or injury (which as far as we know hasn't happened.)

So he's off to the vet tomorrow for x rays and possible surgery on his paw, if it is a tumor they will remove it and see what happens from there. I have done research in regards to cancer tumors etc and thankfully he doesn't have any obvious symptoms such as vomiting,lethargy,decreased appetite etc. But I can't help but fear the worst. My partner got Tug and his brother Leroy as pups and I have been with my partner for almost 5 years and they are such a huge part of our lives.

Has anyone been through something similar?? All I can ask is please think of our baby. We love him so much. I'm sure im overreacting but you just never know. :cry:

Here is little picture of our baby boy.

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Our little Chi x passed away from a brain tumour, so quite different in symptoms etc, he started losing the use of his legs and tilting his headc to the side. With medication he had a good extra 6 months then we PTS. He was 16.

I hope it's nothing serious, all the best, it's horrible waiting on results :hug:

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The word "tumour" needn't be anything serious... and as others have said, it's best to wait until you have a proper diagnosis before thinking the worst.

Crossing fingers that his problem is totally benign and can be cleared up quickly.


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  On 31/08/2012 at 3:05 AM, Destroya said:

ok, he's at the vets now, we are just waiting for x rays, then he will have surgery regardless of what the lump is, then the 'tumour' will be sent away for testing. thanks for the well wishes everyone xoxo

Why not have a needle biopsy? Usually the vet should do that so they can give you the option of surgery as it may not be necessary. The word tumour does not mean cancer, it means growth. I think people get frightened when they hear that word. Hope all is well.

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I'm not sure why they didn't do a needle biopsy, I have spoken to the vet again and it is a "soft tissue lump" what exactly that means im not sure, but they did say it will need to be sent for testing. Luckily this lump, is not attached to bone and any of his toes, so he gets to keep them all :) Yes hearing the word tumor is scary but staying positive!!

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"soft tissue lump"... I wouldn't be too worried about that until the pathology says different... or it starts growing back...

Let's face it, older dogs get lumps and bumps - and most of those are nothing much to worry about. Positive vibes being sent that it's just one of those...


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Our little Tug-a-boo (thats my nickname for him) is home and recovering well. The vet has said that now that she has the lump out she doesn't like the look of it and "if" it is cancer it should be localized and absolute worst case scenario is he may end up with a foot amputation. But will wait for pathology results.

I'm very optimistic though, as you all have said lumps and bumps on older dogs are common, so I'm not too worried, if it is really bad will cross that bridge if and when we get there.We have him in the loungeroom with the light off and hes going to chill and watch tv with us (which he does every night.) Will post a pic tomorrow. Thankyou so much to all of you for your kind words :)

Aussie3 I'm so sorry for the loss of your Chi X. Im sure those 16 years were wonderful :)

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thanks guys, he was most unimpressed when i put the plastic collar on him last night, he layed down in bed and looked at as if to say mum WTF is this torture device lol

but hey better than him ripping the badages. while someone is home he doesnt have to wear it though. im sitting out the back having a coffee while hes on his bed chewing on a pigs ear :)

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