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Help My Daughters Allergic To The Dogs


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I was hoping someone may have some advice. My little girl has just started to develop allergies to our dogs. She becomes absolutely covered in hives everytime she touches them. From what I have read on the net she should avoid the cause of the hives as it will only get worse :(

I would never get rid of our dogs as they are part of the family so there must be something I can do to help my daughter. Thankfully my dogs are outside dogs so at least she is not exposed to then in the house.

Has anyone got any advice?

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Guest Willow

You need to have her properly allergy tested, see your GP about getting the ball rolling with that. Confirm that is is actually the dogs she's allergic to. Even though it seems that it is, it might be something else in her environment, or something the dogs have come into contact with, rather than the dogs themselves.

It must be very distressing, I'm sorry, I hope you get some answers from the GP :(

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You need to have her properly allergy tested, see your GP about getting the ball rolling with that. Confirm that is is actually the dogs she's allergic to. Even though it seems that it is, it might be something else in her environment, or something the dogs have come into contact with, rather than the dogs themselves.

It must be very distressing, I'm sorry, I hope you get some answers from the GP :(


Hope you can find the cause of the problem, it can't be easy :(

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Washing the dogs will help. Also wash hands etc straight after patting.

The hives might settle down as she gets older but she will probably develop other allergies like hayfever. They all seem to go together.

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Oh dear :( I am allergic to dogs too, and it's devastating. My symptoms are more hayfever and asthma, but I get hives and rashes from some dogs too. Golden Retrievers and Labs in particular give me really bad reactions, especially if they lick me. I end up with rashes all over my arms whenever I come back from the park :laugh:

As Jules said, the allergies may decrease as she gets older. My symptoms are now less hayfevery and more rash-y than they were when I was younger.

I went to an allergist when I was younger (about 12 or so, I think) and ended up having injections weekly, then fortnightly, then monthly, etc, as was prescribed. To be honest I don't think they helped me that much, but it's hard to tell as I may also have grown out of them to some degree anyway. I will never be able to own most breeds of dog though :(

As the dogs are outside, most of my suggestions are irrelevant. I would have said to definitely keep them away from where she sleeps. The only other thing you could do is perhaps get her to wear long sleeves when she touches or plays wtih them?

Definitely make sure she washes her hands, wrists and arms after patting or being licked by the dogs, and avoid scratching because it wil just make it worse. Calamine lotion is good to soothe itchy rashes.

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Washing the dogs will help.

I agree. Although your daughters reaction sounds a lot worse than mine but when I brought home Esme my Stafford, my arms and face would get rashes from cuddling her. I found rubbing Aloveen Leave In COndtioner in her really helped. I think it was more a reaction of her fur prickling me or something unexplained. It doesn't happen anymore but does for some other dogs. I am allergic to my cats, itchy eyes, runny nose etc and if I dont wash my face last thing before bed my eyes swell up overnight. It is a pain as I am very hands on with my pets but I got in to a routine of washing my hands a lot!

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I am allergic to dog saliva. I only realised this about 5 years ago. I just never bothered putting two and two together as I suffer with eczema anyway. For forty odd years I struggled with bad rashes and didn't realise why. We have always owned dogs :laugh:

My most sensitive areas are the inside of my arms and my neck, which are the two places that dogs tend to lick you if you are patting and having cuddles. Within minutes of this contact I break out in an eczema type rash which is intolerably itchy.

I have had to teach all my dogs not to lick me and I am mindful of keeping my sensitive areas away from their mouths as much as I can. If I get licked I rinse the area under running water straight away and I won't break out. For me I believe it is the acid in the saliva as I am not affected by baby puppies. It is not until their saliva becomes more acidic that it is an issue for me. The older the dog is, the worse my reaction to it.

Yep, take her to the GP, get relevant allergy testing done and hopefully it can be resolved or you can find a way to work around it.

I feel for you and your daughter. Allergies can be very frustrating. Best of luck getting to the bottom of it.

Edited by dyzney
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I am allergic to cats and dogs, never used to be. We have 2 cats still, but they have learned never to touch me and I don't touch them. Its harder for a dog. But I can live with the sneezing, runny/itching eyes and runny nose.

But a few months ago my daughter had a severe asthma attack ending up with her in the hospital, she'd had asthma before but never this bad. After lots of testing we found she was allergic to our Pug. We ended up returning him to his breeder and he now has a wonderful home. We all felt bad about it, but we were told as the asthma had worsened, it could be fatal next time. She hasn't had an asthma attack since.

Sometimes you have no choice :cry:


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Thank you all for your replys with your experiences and ideas. You have all given me some fantastic things to try/do. I will be taking my daughter to the doctor tomorrow to find out about allergy testing.

This is so devastating as our dogs are so much a part of our lives and my daughter loves them. She is only 2 1/2 years old but is so involved helping me prepare there meals, making their beds, bathing them etc. She follows them around the yard copying what they do. Plus the dogs are fantastic with her even thou they had not really been socialised that much with children before she came along.

Thanks again everyone :)

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Allergies can be very complex.

Did you know Bart Cummings (Multi Melbourne Cup Winning Trainer) is allergic to horses? He has daily injections.

I hope you get to the bottom of your daughters problem. :)

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I am allergic to grass seeds, pollen and 'dirt' (can't walk barefoot outside any more without my feet getting red hot itchy). Of course the dogs get this in their coat and hugging them can sometimes leave me VERY itchy! It is something I live with, but a clean coat can help, as can wearing clothes with sleeves and washing my hands after hugging/patting them. I hope the allergy tests tell you something and you work out a system so your daughter (and your family) can enjoy the dogs with limited effect.

(I also get asthma - multiple hospital stays from 3 years of age - and had horses when younger. The dust in hay always affected me badly but I was determined and found ways to deal with it which meant I didnt have to give up my pride and joys :) )

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I've suddenly become really allergic to one of my cats, a Persian.

It's ridiculous, the rhinitis that comes with it is the bane of my existence! However I'd never dream of getting rid of him etc, so I'm using antihistamines, I'm using nasal spray that seems to help and when it settles I'm going to go have a definitive test and then a series of desensetising shots look like the best option, see how that works. I don't think it's a daily thing, but a handful designed to build a tolerance and teach the body that it isn't a big deal.

In the mean time I'll second the washing them, it makes all the difference, it can be either dander, fleas or something else on the dog or saliva, so best to work out which it is with a doctor.

Clean the dog bedding, get a really good vac with a hepa filter and a cheap air purifier for her bedroom and make it a strictly no doggie zone, as much as anything can be!

If she's really itchy I'd say pop her in the Calamine lotion bath, it's good stuff that!

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Which did you have first, the dog or the child?

You know the saying - last in, first to go!

(I am joking, sort of ;)

Is is a recent thing, or has she always has this reaction to the dogs?

LOL My dogs are large breed seniors so were here well before my daughter. I was thinking of putting my daughter in one of those dog pound shutes as that should solve my problem LOL (joking) We could never part with our dogs (or daughter) as they are all part of the family so we are just going to do whatever we can to help our daughter.

I took my daughter to the doctor today who has recommended allergy testing starting with a blood test so we will go from there. The doctor explained to me that as she has been around my dogs since birth that it can over time build up to a point where the allergys surface. She also said that she could out grow the allergy too FX.

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I've found that I have had different levels of reactions to different individual animals. Never noticed any problems with my DSH cats but have a lot of problems with my Birmans. My white horse - no problems, my bay horse and I had rashes from his saliva.

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