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Thinking My Boy May Not Be Full Maremma


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Ammo is now 3 1/2 years and has gone through another growth spurt. He has been up and down in his weight, went through a really heavy stage weighed about 60kgs, then lightened up at 54kgs which he stayed at until the last few months, he's now weighing 63kgs and seems to be getting heavier, he's not overweight but he's grown at least an inch since the start of the year now around 68cms. Does he look like he could have some Pyr in him as he seems very oversize for even a large maremma?

The photos are of him with my 8 year old cousin, she's tall for her height. One has my JRT and the other had my Kelpie in it for size referencing. He was given to me by a lady that owns both his parents, his dad looks a lot like him but a bigger and jowlier head.



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But he's shot up in the past few months, he was average (ish) size until then, he's also bulked up and is way too heavy for a normal sized maremma. I know people that have his (unneutered) brother who is around the same size as well.

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They really vary in size. My female can almost walk under my older male (who is much bigger/taller than your boy) and my younger male is in between the two.

I groom loads of Maremmas, some are enormous and some just large.

Edited by Clyde
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Like you, I am not sure of his parentage although his mother is definitely all Maremma. None of his litter ended up as big as him, they were all desexed early (born in rescue with Maremma Rescue). He could have Pyr in him, his nature is certainly more Pyr but I groom a pedigree female Maremma just about his size and groom males who are only a little smaller (but bigger than Ammo) - so they can certainly get very large.

Edited by Clyde
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Maremma can vary in size and I have certainly seen some heavier ones, just as there are also smaller lighter pyrs. Frankly no way to tell if he is all maremma unless you can verify parentage. One of the risks to be taken with unpedigreed dogs.

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Looks like a Maremma to me. Boys are bigger than girls - some lines are bigger than others.Dogs desexed earlier are heavier and taller. Dogs which are working are leaner [ usually ] than those which are not . Depending on where they live and sleep their coat looks different as well.

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Looks like a Maremma to me. Boys are bigger than girls - some lines are bigger than others.Dogs desexed earlier are heavier and taller. Dogs which are working are leaner [ usually ] than those which are not . Depending on where they live and sleep their coat looks different as well.

Steve, as a breeder, what do you think of my 11 month old?

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people question my BC aswell. He is just under 40kgs & stands the size of a rottweiler. Not like those pretty little BC,s you see around .

We know my BC is pure as we owned his parents. :) sometimes it can be a throwback & sometimes they exceed their height. Im sure many breeders at times have had pups that exceeded their height & weight for their breed.

your boy looks like a purbred to me. :)

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