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Puppy Socialisation

wiggly woofa

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Hi there!

I have a nearly 3 month old lagotto and she would really benefit from socialising with other puppies as she is quite shy. I dont want a puppy preschool as she is already well trained, she just needs to play. Does anyone know of a socialisation group class in Melb, pref outer east? The dog park is a bit overwhelming but a group of other puppies or dogs in a more controlled environment would be fab.

Thanks for helping. :)

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If you are after a group of puppies in a more controlled environment then I would be looking for a well run puppy kindy or preshool class as frankly at this age this what they are all about.

I teach classes, and I still take my own pups to classes run by others.

Edited by espinay2
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Training is something that doesn't happen and then you forget about it. Dogs need training until they are mature and many people choose to keep training for long after that.

I agree with Espinay to take the pup to a puppy school. The shyness could be a problem, and you need a controlled environment if you want to overcome this. Not all dogs will play with other dogs, some just prefer not to, and socialisation won't change this. The realistic expectation should be to make your pup feel comfortable around other dogs and people, not to train it to play.

If you take your dog to an uncontrolled environment for socialisation, the shyness may reinforced and you may also end up with aggression. Well-run puppy schools are the safest way to socialise, especially if the dog is already shy.

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I agree with espinay2. It is important your puppy is in a controlled environment.

Even if you puppy is well trained I still would be going to puppy school as your puppy need practice working for you in an environment with alot of distractions.

I always take my young ones to puppy school. Even though I have trained many dogs there is always something new to learn from other trainers. :)

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Contact Cosmolo - she runs a good puppy school. She also has 5 of the most well behaved dogs that I've ever met and they can be a good intro to meeting big dogs (if your dog only socialises with puppies, it might struggle with big dogs).

Remember that socialisation doesn't just mean playing. It means being comfortable and relaxed around other dogs and not needing to meet every dog it sees.

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Agreed. Puppy school isn't really about training your dog - it is foremost an opportunity to safely socialise and make other dogs an enjoyable experience, secondly it's an introduction to training concepts.

I would be very confident in saying that a good, well structured puppy school would bring your pup out her shell.

I didn't see the point in it at first either then I went to one :)

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One more thing: not all puppy schools are equal. Some take shy dogs and set the foundations for the dog becoming aggressive ("just let them sort it out!"). If your dog is shy you need to go to a puppy school that is run by a qualified trainer who will match suitable pups with yours.

I'd never go to a puppy school run by a franchise or by a vet nurse.

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Agreed. Puppy school isn't really about training your dog - it is foremost an opportunity to safely socialise and make I would be very confident in saying that a good, well structured puppy school would bring your pup out her shell.

This is absoletly correct. It is amazing to see the change in puppies in just 4 weeks :)

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I wouldn't go to one run by a vet nurse either. Looking back it wasn't good for my dog as he was already a dominant puppy. There was no guidance from the vet nurse when he was getting out of line/rough with the other puppies, I was kind of clueless too. Something more structured with a trainer would be much better. That's what I'll do for my next dog.

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I wouldn't go to one run by a vet nurse either. Looking back it wasn't good for my dog as he was already a dominant puppy. There was no guidance from the vet nurse when he was getting out of line/rough with the other puppies, I was kind of clueless too. Something more structured with a trainer would be much better. That's what I'll do for my next dog.

Some Vet Nurses are also Dog Trainers so it is worth asking about our qualifications first before you write us all off. :p But I do agree that Vet Nurses with no training or behavior knowledge should not be taking Puppy Classes it's too important. It's the most vital stage.

To wiggly woofa, your Lagotto needs exposure rather than uncotrolled play. All the Lagotto's I have seen so far have elements of shyness and your dog needs intensive help ASAP. The best place for your dog to be right now is a well-run Puppy School or a well run obedience school with very careful interactions set up with selected adult dogs.

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I actually find that Going to a school where the environment is well controlled and NOT centering on getting your pup to play but letting your pup learn that other pups/dogs are simply 'there' but nothing to worry about and that YOU are the best thing since sliced bread and all your pup needs to focus on is a good way to go especially for shy or timid dogs. It gives them a chance to learn at their own pace and without feeling pressured that other dogs are neither here nor there.

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