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Furious Today


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The background of this story, I own a male dobie who's only one so still a puppy. My daughter owns a tenterfieldterrier who's close to 2. These 2 are best of friends and actually whinge if separated. I was at my local dog park today and luckily enough had it to myself. My guys were having a ball playing zoomies and chasy. I was in the middle of the park and the dogs had run behind me and I heard the gate go and swung around to hear "GET AWAY FROM HER" and watched in horror as someone went to kick my dobie. Luckily she missed!! When I approached her, *not saying some very nice words* and asked her what she thought she was doing? She told me she was rescuing the white one from being eaten. When I explained *and no, not very politely* that the 2 lived together and the little white one was the dominate one and now look at them,as it was Cinder's turn to be it, she walked back out of the gate without another word. Now I've calmed down, I can understand, that she was trying to save Cinder from being eaten (and yes, that's what it looks like, but she gives as good as she gets), but what right did she have to storm into the park and kick my dog??

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Ugh, I can imagine how you feel! My 3 always look and sound as though they're killing each other when they get into full on play mode and I know it freaks people who don't know they're family out sometimes. I've never had anyone yell or KICK at them tho :(

Did the woman have her own dog or just barge in on her own? It does sound like she had good intentions, which is nice especially as plenty of people just stand back when there are problems, but she needs to observe and think a bit before she reacts.

I would have been furious too but if you can, it would be a good situation to educate someone about dog behaviour as well.

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...I guess you would be a bit surprised and shocked ..when everyone was having such a great time .

what right did she have to storm into the park and kick my dog??

Think on what may have happened if the lady had actually seen a larger dog attacking a small one , and decided it was none of her business..

Hopefully , if she DOES see such an incident , she will once again step in .

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Guest Willow

Sounds like she was genuinely trying to be a good citizen and do the right thing. I can understand you would be taken aback...but maybe she has been around dog parks enough to see that attacks etc do happen whilst owners are oblivious.

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Yeah as I said last night I could see the reasoning behind it and if it was another dog attacking Cinder, I would have probably appreciated it.

Saxonpup, she was just someone passing by and came through the gate specifically.

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I have 2 mini schnauzers, one almost 4 and the other 5.5 months. The older boy is a noisy player and when we brought the puppy home at 8 weeks the introduction was very noisy and the poor pup actually peed and pooped in fright. It actually sounded like bloody murder. The next day they were interacting as if nothing had happened. If someone who didn't know observed this I'm sure they would have thought the pup was in big trouble. They still play the same way and truly adore each other. I know how you feel but I think she meant no harm and was looking out for the smaller dog and it's nice to know that there are some people who would go out of their way to help, even as in this case it was unnecessary.

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What an idiot.

If the dog was being attacked she just put herself at great risk of being bitten

If my dog was being attacked I would want people to step in and help, not to just walk away. I understand the OP is upset, but it might be worthwhile always having an eye on the dogs and to call them away from the gates when someone enters. Good manners and the while situation could have been avoided.

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Sounds like she was genuinely trying to be a good citizen and do the right thing. I can understand you would be taken aback...but maybe she has been around dog parks enough to see that attacks etc do happen whilst owners are oblivious.

I agree with Willow, I think she was probably trying to be helpful.

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Mm - I've read lots of threads where people on DOL tend to be quite happy to kick dogs, and get quite slap happy when another dog looks like its heading in their direction.. :shrug It seems like the flip side of that, really.

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Honestly kicking a dog can aggravate dog to bite, by looking at some of the dog attacks, ppl are either bitten on the legs or with picking up a small dog with another dog around, the loose dog can look at you as a threat & bites you on the arms (if it can jump high enough) to get you to release the other dog.

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It was just a person working from minimum information.... she saw what looked like a smaller dog being attacked. And bravely stepped in to save it. One person's 'brave' is another person's 'idiot'. I hope she's around if my smaller dogs appear to be in strife.

But can also understand how the OP felt....even tho' having full information that the dogs were actually friends.... just on the spur of the moment, it's worrying to see your dog being kicked at.

Just two people acting from 2 different sets of information. Pity there wasn't an opportunity to mend the communication glitch afterwards & walk away on good terms.

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I guess this lady was trying to help but I would have been annoyed too about her kicking my dog.

I was walking a client's dog the other week and we passed a 6ft timber fence which usually has 2 dogs behind it and they always bark when I pass. But this day, there were 2 visiting dogs as well and one was a small white fluffy dog. They were all barking along the fence and the biggest dog redirected onto the small white dog and attacked it, the little one was screaming and was being pinned down. I was horrified but all I could do was scream at them which I did and he let go but then went back for more so I ran at the fence screaming at them and thankfully they stopped, the owner came out and told them to shut up. I asked him is the little dog ok!? And he said yeah, thats just how it barks! I explained to him what had happened and he was shocked. It's awful looking on and not being able to do anything.

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