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At what age do you think my puppies (b/g Aussie Terriers 9wks) need to be left outside while we are at work/school? Currently they are in the laundry while we are away but obviously that's not going to work forever! The yard is fully fenced. There is a cat (not ours) who isn't liking the puppies at all & has swiped at them. And some chooks. If I am to leave them outside while away at work should I install a doggy door so they can go in and out as they please?

Thanks! ;)

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Mine have always been outside when I have gone to work. Including pups whelped here, they were outside from 4 weeks of age. Pups bought in were outside from day one. As long as your yard is secure, has a warm area and a shady area.

ETA I would not leave chooks and pups together, wouldn't want to start any bad habits. Chooks to be in their own area, dogs in their's.

Edited by Rebanne
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It's up to you if you want them to be able to go inside and outside, or just stay outside. My pups stay inside when we aren't home (10 month and 4 month old pugs) but that's my personal choice based on various factors.

A dog door is handy though, if they are inside when you're home so they can let themselves outside for toileting etc

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Unless your chooks are out of sight/reach ... you will probably have problems with pups getting excited at the nice noisy, fluffy things which move if there's noise !! Not a good habit to start :(

2 pups is a PACK..and the behaviour will be quite different to a singleton left alone ....

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I'd be more worried about the pups getting attacked by the chooks than the other way around. I remember my parent' s fox terrier as a puppy getting cornered and attacked by their two chickens. Thankfully we were close by and put a stop to it and no damage done

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My Aussie Terrier pup was outside from the moment she came home at 8 weeks old. I think as long as you've triple checked the yard for being 100% secure, they will be fine outside.

What's the structure of your yard like? The puppies will need shelter/shade and a bed to sleep in if you don't want to have a dog door installed for laundry access. As others have mentioned, the chickens will need to be kept away from the pups -- terriers like to chase game and can't help themselves. Kirah managed to kill Myna birds by the time she was a few months old so I wouldn't risk your chickens.

Make sure there are plenty of toys for your pups to play with too -- ropes for tug of war, soft toys with squeakers, balls and any sort of rubber chewing toys are always good.

Perhaps for the time being, leave them outside for an hour or so whilst you supervise them from inside. That will give you some clues as to how they might behave when you've gone for the day but still give you some peace of mind as you're still supervising. You'll find that by having the two pups that they'll be able to entertain themselves -- just be careful though as you'll also have twice the trouble!!

PS We still need pictures of these two cuties!! :provoke:

Edited by RiverStar-Aura
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Guest donatella

Mine never is left outside because I have an unhealthy paranoia about issues such as:

- digging out

- theft

- birds of prey

- snakes and other predators

- storms and bad weather

- barking and annoying the neighbours

So long as you have puppy proofed the yard and are confident of your pups safety and aren't a complete freak like me then you should be fine, dogs love the sun, dirt and fresh air :p

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Thanks everyone! I think I may take the time out over the weekend just to really ensure the yard is safe and the puppies can't get to the chooks and I'll leave them outside next week. I'll make sure they have all of those things. Thanks!! :D

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and the puppies can't get to the chooks

That's a good plan - also consider blocking vision totally to the chooks . They will be drawn to the movement/noise ..and learning to run along a fence and bark at what's on the other side is an easy thing to learn :(

yep..and photos are a must! :)

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While mine are larger, I get them outside as soon as possible. Direct sunlight is important for good health (and proper growth) and they learn to regulate their body temperature and seek shelter (adequate, shade, shelter etc etc a must of course)

While I'm not there though, they don't get free run of the whole yard, they are confined to a run.

A secure run (roofed in some way, even just with bird netting or wire, if you are concerned about small puppies and birds) means they are safe, but have plenty of room to move around.

Edited by espinay2
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