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New Puppy Enclosure


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Good afternoon

My bf and I are getting our new Shiba Inu puppy in 1-2 weeks and are currently brainstorming the best way to keep her safe and confined but still with room to run and enjoy herself in the backyard while we're both at work during the day. She'll be 8-9 weeks when she gets here. We're trying to decide if we should build a run from the garage out into the yard (and thus no kennel), or if we should have a playpen type of thing attached to a kennel so she'll have protection from the weather.

We're going to tag-team taking a bit of time off to ensure she settles in, and I work close to home so can pop back at lunchtime for a few weeks to give her lunch and make sure the day doesn't get too stressful for her alone after being so used to being with her mum and siblings. However, she still probably needs somewhere safe and secure while she's a bub. I've also heard horror stories about a Shiba's ability to escape from almost any enclosure so I don't want her free in the yard for a little while just in case. It's a fully fenced yard with 6ft fences but I've heard they can dig and climb from a young age ><

There was a thread on DOL a while ago where people posted photos of the amazing runs/playpens/cubbies they'd designed and built themselves. I've searched for ages and can't find it :( Does anyone else remember that thread?

My bf is quite handy so can build her something decent as long as we know what the best (a) materials to use and (b) design to aim for.

Any suggestions? Thanks :)

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The garage will provide a lot more protection from the elements than a smaller kennel, especially as the weather gets warmer. Ideally a run off the garage with a concrete strip around the bottom to deter digging and a full wire roof should keep her in. Keeping a Shiba in is a bit like keeping a cat in. Good luck with your new baby.

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