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Help! Whats Wrong With My Puppy!

Guest _MADCAT_

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Guest _MADCAT_

I have a 12 week old bullmastiff puppy I got from a registered breeder, I don't sleep very well and just noticed my puppy breathing really weird, sloppy like... I looked at her face and there is GREEN goo coming from her eyes and nose, I am freakin out like crazy! Is she ok? She has had her 2 first vaccinations...?!

I will be keeping an eye on her over night and cleaning out what I can and taking her to the vet first thing... she was fine today and been inside with me with the other dogs and the warmth... should I be worrying?!

I've tried to get a pic hope it helps!!!

I'm so worried!


Pardon the size, I'm on my phone!

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I recently had a similar issue. Clear runny nose is ok, but green discharge means a respiratory infection. Because you pup is still very young I would recommend going to the vet I am sure they will give you an antibiotic. Do not panic, it is really just a cold and your pup is fine, but I would definitely go to the vet as the risk of leaving something like this is a secondary infection which is when your pup could get very sick.

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Have to agree with the others Madcat probably just a cold or hay fever but off to the vet. I find they often get a slight cold after there vaccination. Especially C5 or higher. I only give C3 plus the nasal kenel cough vaccination these days and don't find I have the problem of colds afterwards. Good luck and keep us updated

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Guest _MADCAT_

Thank you all for the quick replies! I've got a few dogs, but never seen GREEN discharge let alone THIS much before, from the eyes AND nose worried me quite a bit!

I have an appointment with my vet at 2PM so I'll keep her clean and warm until then, they said not to worry..

she's currently rolling around with my dane x playing with him so doesn't look uncomfortable or in pain.. Just freaked me out at midnight seeing green booger!

Thanks again for the replies! I'll update everyone after the vet :D

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I had a call from a puppy buyer after he was exposed to a dog with kennel cough. he wasn't coughing yet but had loads of nasal discharge. He was taken to the vet and put on antibiotics. he was given the nasal spray for KC... His sister (my girl) was exposed at the same time to the same dogs as he was (they were at a show) and she hadn't had the KC vacc/nasal, and she didn't get any symptoms of KC at all. I'd never heard of the nasal discharge in relation to KC until this happened.

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nasal kenel cough vaccination

I know a few bracchy breeders warn not to give the nasal component as they swear it causes problems like this.

I have been using it on my BM's and my old boxer (RIP) since it came out and have never had a problem with it. I was actually warned by somone that they can breath it into their lungs, which my vet dimissed as the quanities are quite small.

I found when I had foster dogs coming straight home from the pound via vet for vaccination, that they all got a mild case of kennel cough (possibly already incubating it from the pound) and that my dogs treated with the nasal vaccine did not catch it from them but my dog who didn't use the nasal vacine got a mild does of KC everytime. But this is just my experience over the last 10 years with my dogs.

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nasal kenel cough vaccination

I know a few bracchy breeders warn not to give the nasal component as they swear it causes problems like this.

I have been using it on my BM's and my old boxer (RIP) since it came out and have never had a problem with it.

Same. I used it for my Bulldog and use it for my Pug. I was just putting it out there that some people choose not to use it for their braccys due to issues they've had with it..

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Guest _MADCAT_

Thanks everyone! :)

The vet said it could either be a very delayed reaction to the vaccination (not likely though) or simply a cold, or the very extreme of a grass seed stuck up there so we are keeping a close eye on her for a few days to make sure it doesn't get worse.

So I have 5 days of antibiotics for her and will keep an eye on her and the boys to make sure they don't start getting green runny noses!

Hopefully it isn't catchable!

She isn't coughing or having any troubles. She's eating and drinking fine its just when the poor thing tries to sleep she can get blocked up, so she lays with frank usually resting her head on him so its up high and can breathe easier...

But she's sleeping at the moment and looks fairly content! Was just very scary when "Dr Google It" says your dog is dying... Google is horrible sometimes! Atleast she's on the mend!

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I had a call from a puppy buyer after he was exposed to a dog with kennel cough. he wasn't coughing yet but had loads of nasal discharge. He was taken to the vet and put on antibiotics. he was given the nasal spray for KC... His sister (my girl) was exposed at the same time to the same dogs as he was (they were at a show) and she hadn't had the KC vacc/nasal, and she didn't get any symptoms of KC at all. I'd never heard of the nasal discharge in relation to KC until this happened.

This has just happened here. My foster had his C5 and then came down with Kennel Cough, my pup Cooper had no coughing but so much green nasal discharge it was unreal. They both have a secondary infection. Antibiotics for both, oh and today my cat went to the vet for the same thing :(

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Guest _MADCAT_

I certainly hope she doesn't give it to the boys!!

It's sad enough having the poor puppy sick, Id be so upset if all the dogs got a bad cold. :(

Dora loves to cuddle Frank (sometimes Zeus, but generally Zeus sleeps on his back and isn't as good of a squishy pillow as Frank)

She seems good at the moment, her and Frank are snoring their hearts out, this is them currently.

Sorry for the poor pic from my phone! Can't seem to resize it on my phone sorry!


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