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What Camera To Buy?


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I have decided the time is nearly here for me to bite the bullet and invest in a decent digital SLR camera. I am sick of my old point and shoot which gives great shots except for the fact they aren't always in focus if the subject is moving :cry:

I am looking for a camera that does decent movement shots of horses and dogs. Needs to have a good auto camera function as my Mum will use it occasionally and she finds it hard enough to get the whole animal in the frame without cutting feet or ears off without having to worry about focussing :rofl: Plus when the ponies are bolting around I am not quick enough either :p

So what do I buy? And what lenses are must haves? Budget is around $1500 and I will probably end up getting my brother to buy it in Singapore if I can get a better deal there LOL.

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Frankly, any of the entry level cameras by Nikon or Canon will do just fine. Go by what feels good to you (if you can lay hands on some models) and what appeals to your price point.

If you're going to be shooting mostly in daylight, you should be fine with the kit lenses to start with. Canon sometimes offers the 24-135 in their kits and it's a great lens. There are tons of other options, too. I am fond of the 18-200 range lenses as they are extremely versatile, light and pretty quick - their drawback is for low light shooting or for those who demand very wide apertures. On the whole, the trade off is worth it for day to day stuff, I think.

In the end, it's not going to be the camera so much as the person behind it ;)

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Thanks guys will look around at what there is. I was heading more towards a Canon but there are a few within my price range and I didn't know if any were significantly better for the price or to be avoided.

Huga, my camera doesn't even want to take in focus still shots sometimes :p I am getting depressed seeing lovely photos then putting them onto the computer and the focus is slightly out :cry:

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If you have time check out the mirrorless and compact system cameras, some of them are awesome if you don't want the bulk of an DSLR, definaltey not trying to talk you out of an DSLR but there is other options too. I have both and love both and my Canon G1X is a cracking camera, takes the most awesome shots. Canon have also just release thier newest mirroless interchangable lens camera the EOS M, it look great too.

Canon EOS M

Olympus have just released a new one as well that sounds great.

Nokon have a couple of good mirrorless as well. They are definatley something to consider. Good luck with your search, there is so many to choose from these days, it does your head in. :laugh:

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