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The Great Fancy Mouse Photoshoot!


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Still playing with the new camera, did a big photoshoot today with my fancy mice and thought I'd share some pics here and introduce my Fancies.

This is Aragorn, my Black Tan Longcoat Rex, mysteriously roaning out white (Not from old age he started loosing pigment at eight weeks old!)


Arya, my lovely lovely girl, Black Tan Longcoat


Bluebird, Dove Tan Longcoat Rex


Carmen, Burmese Fox Longcoat Rex


Eragon, Siamese Fox Rex - I love this photo of him, I think he looks like a rabbit :rofl:


Irina, Chocolate Tan. She is the most athletic of my mice and an avid climber!


Kate, Burmese Longcoat Rex


The lovely Leah, Black Tan. She is the eldest of my girls but still looking fantastic :thumbsup:


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me neither - do the rexes all have curly coats like devon rex cats, or do you get straight haired rexes and curly rexes (like a Selkirk rex in a cat, where you can get longhair and shorthair, with or without curl?) They are gorgeous.

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Yes mice come in MANY coat colours and several coat types - I am lucky enough to have a nice range of both :)

me neither - do the rexes all have curly coats like devon rex cats, or do you get straight haired rexes and curly rexes (like a Selkirk rex in a cat, where you can get longhair and shorthair, with or without curl?) They are gorgeous.

Similar in some ways. With Selkirks if they don't inherit the dominant rex gene from their parents, they don't show rexing and cannot carry rexing, you need to breed them to a rex in order to have rex kittens pop up. There is also a difference between a Selkirk with one copy of rex genes and a Selkirk with two copies of the rex gene.

In the same way the rex gene for mice is dominant, but you wouldn't call a non-rex offspring from a rex mouse a rex. (They are not breeds unlike in cats).

Yes you get short-haired rex and longcoat/longhaired texes in mice. Standard rex coats in mice often do not look very curly at all, like my Lena, above. This is her as a baby where you can clearly see her curly coat in evidence.


Most of my Rexes are longcoat rexes which I have a soft spot for, the longcoats keep better rex texture to the fur throughout life. Like with Selkirks you can have a longcoat rex with one or two copies of the rex genes. Double Rexes tend to show a much poorer curly coat than a single rex does.

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