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Puppies And Jumping

Pretty Miss Emma

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So, Mr Hamish has figured out that he can jump! I'm not worried about the jumping up on people as that is a work in progress with his training.

But... jumping on and off the bed/couch/whatever. And am just wondering people's thought on if this is a concern in terms of his growing bones (he's almost 19 weeks)? In all honesty I don't know that there is a great deal I can do about it. And it's not happening a hundred times a day, it's just sometimes. But just wondering.....

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I hate that cold shiver that goes through you when you realise they've jumped off the bed for the first time. I felt like running and getting kiddy barriers put up so mine couldn't get off, I didn't want him to do it!

I don't like the idea of it, and make sure my 4 month old isn't on the bed unsupervised and therefor lessen the chance of him jumping off. I don't mind him jumping off the lounge as it's pretty low, but I definetly don't encourage it.

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I wouldn't worry too much .. if you have nice soft carpet ..and it's only occasional .Maybe close the bedroom door to limit what he can jump off?

One of my pups gave me heart attack the other week (16 weeks old) when she didn't run down the steps but just jumped onto the concrete verandah from the retaining wall .. about 5 feet up!..Didn't blink ..just took off running !

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It is very hard to stop a puppy jumping all together. Just do the best you can to minimise it.

I also try to teach my pups when going down stairs to go down slowly and walk all the way to the bottom. One of my dogs, now 18 months, when was a pup would leap with 5 stairs to go :eek:

A few weeks ago my pup, 16 weeks at the time, was coming down some stairs in the yard off the retaining wall. She did an excited leap, as puppies do, from the grass onto the stairs..........but completely missed the stairs and jumped off the 1 metre high wall :eek::eek::eek::eek: Lucky she commando rolled when she landed. She is now very careful coming down the stairs. At the time I nearly had a heart attack, but now I can laugh about it :laugh:

Edited by buddy1
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At least until 6 months try to avoid him jumping down from anything taller than his back. Jumping up isn't an issue but jumping down can be. Teaching a reliable sit and drop can prevent him jumping up onto things in the first place, sometimes at least. Borders seem to delight in flying off whatever they can but try to minimise it as much as possible especially if he is heavy for his age. My 2 bigger males were 14-15kgs at that age and 17 kgs by 6 months and I wouldn't want that size puppy jumping much.

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PME, Jazz and Piper both gave me many heart attacks over jumping. I tried to discourage it and prevent it and certainly never asked for it but if it happened, it happened.

I remember saying to Jazz's breeder that I dreaded getting her hip and elbow xrays done as they were bound to be awful with all the jumping she had done. I still remember coming home from work when she was 4 or 5 months old to her happily on the grooming table but when it came time for xrays she got 0-0 hips and elbows so it didnt hurt them. LOL

Don't encourage it, try and prevent it where you can but also dont panic when they do it anyway is my stand on it now.

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I'm lucky he usually only jumps up when he wakes up so that he, Kenzie & I can have a big cuddle! And I actually have some little steps at the end of the bed for my cat (which Hamish used to use!), however of recent he's decided he no longer wants to use them!!

But like others have said, typical BC, now he's figured out how to leap it's like that's the only way to do things now!!

I'm not too stressed about it, there's not a great deal I can do about it! But I'll keep trying to discourage him!

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Tilba used to be the worst at jumping up & over things. I used to worry about it all the time. She'd spring straight up in the air like a gazelle. She started doing it again when I put the puppy pen up in our driveway to stop Panda from going up the front. Now that he's older I don't use it any more, so the end of her jumping.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't worry too much .. if you have nice soft carpet ..and it's only occasional .Maybe close the bedroom door to limit what he can jump off?

One of my pups gave me heart attack the other week (16 weeks old) when she didn't run down the steps but just jumped onto the concrete verandah from the retaining wall .. about 5 feet up!..Didn't blink ..just took off running !

My Kelpie puppy has been doing something similar, she just sails off the top of the back steps onto the brick pavers below, not all the time, but it does worry me a little.

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I wouldn't worry too much .. if you have nice soft carpet ..and it's only occasional .Maybe close the bedroom door to limit what he can jump off?

One of my pups gave me heart attack the other week (16 weeks old) when she didn't run down the steps but just jumped onto the concrete verandah from the retaining wall .. about 5 feet up!..Didn't blink ..just took off running !

My Kelpie puppy has been doing something similar, she just sails off the top of the back steps onto the brick pavers below, not all the time, but it does worry me a little.

Put some rubber matting at the bottom of the stairs, so that his jump is cushioned a bit.

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I wouldn't worry too much .. if you have nice soft carpet ..and it's only occasional .Maybe close the bedroom door to limit what he can jump off?

One of my pups gave me heart attack the other week (16 weeks old) when she didn't run down the steps but just jumped onto the concrete verandah from the retaining wall .. about 5 feet up!..Didn't blink ..just took off running !

My 4 months old Samoyed puppy jumped off things without fear either... off his show trolley, grooming tables but thankfully I've been able to catch him in time.

Skeeter can't figure he can't jump on the bed or couch yet, thank god, so until he does then he isn't allow on the couch or bed. Hopefully by the time he can figure it out, he will be big enough that he doesn't need to jump.

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My Kelpie puppy has been doing something similar, she just sails off the top of the back steps onto the brick pavers below, not all the time, but it does worry me a little.

Put some rubber matting at the bottom of the stairs, so that his jump is cushioned a bit.

Ohhh, what a brilliant idea, thanks.

Edited by Jozlyn
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