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Oops, Stalker By Mistake


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On the way to and from one of my regular dog walking clients is this cute little old house that looks all run down and I genuinely thought no one lived in it. I kept thinking I want to take a photo of it so today on my way out I pulled over and took some shots. They are pretty unremarkable though. Anyway I got back in the car and pulled out to leave and as I was turning out of the street, I see this old man in the rear view mirror coming out of the house yard looking for the person who took photos of his house! I had no idea anyone was there. He was asking some people walking their dogs that had also been nearby. I just drove off, was a bit scared! Anyway there is a big sign on the back of my car with my business name and number on it so if he really wants to hunt me down he can.

I just got home and looked at the photos and realised he was on the front porch the whole time! I didn't even notice him otherwise I wouldn't have stood there blatantly taking pictures! Should have gone to Specsavers!


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