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First Crack At Action With The 7d


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Hey Guys, just thought I'd pop some pics in here, we went to the park today and I had a good go with the 7D although it was cold and over cast and started to rain we didn't spend a lot of time but I think for my first outing with the dogs the shots came out pretty good.

I am getting on top of focusing which was my biggest thing. One thing I have noticed with canon is the colours I think are really great and very consistent, I shot all these in jpeg and hardly did anything to them in PP.

If anyone has any CC feel free, I hope I will get better as time goes on, i do feel in the short time I have had the camera my pictures have improved already, now I just need the weather to get better and we will be set!!






Perils of the local dog parked, its shard with the pony club!





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The first one looks a bit fuzzy still. In some of the shots the background is distracting. But all of them are better than what I could do so well done :)

ETA: I think I like the third one the best

Edited by Lollipup
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at the 70mm end, also it was cropped.



iso 100

I like this next one, seems to be in focus, but a much higher shutter speed at


f 3.5

iso 320

the lens was at 34mm in this shot.


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Thanks Lolli, I liked that one too, again a faster shutter speed than the first one at 1/1250 and its not as busy in the back ground. ISO 100 and f/4 and the 70mm end of the lens. I cropped it a bit too, the very next photo was this, he looks like he is on a mission! :laugh:


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Yep, 1/200th is way too slow for action.

Actually looking at it now compared to the others its a wonder he was in focus at all. :laugh:

I went back and checked the exif, and it was definaltey 1/200 and looking at the pictures each side of this one they are only good for the scrap heap so it must have been a fluke! :laugh:

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bump up your ISO to 1600 in those conditions, and aim for a shutter speed of 4000 plus

Why would you bump up the ISO so high? Wouldn't that cause graininess? Genuine question, I'm a beginner.

for action shots in those conditions you need a fast shuter speed = high ISO

on the 7D ISO 1600 is more than fine if you expose correctly

Edited by anniek
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bump up your ISO to 1600 in those conditions, and aim for a shutter speed of 4000 plus

Why would you bump up the ISO so high? Wouldn't that cause graininess? Genuine question, I'm a beginner.

for action shots in those conditions you need a fast shuter speed = high ISO

on the 7D ISO 1600 is more than fine if you expose correctly

Okay, I have a Nikon D7000 which should be close. So I will keep that in mind, thanks. I probably have read it somewhere before and it hasn't sunk in yet haha

ETA because I wrote Nikon 7D instead of D7000 whoops!

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Thanks Annie, I wasn't sure about putting it up much higher than 400 as the sky was so white and whishy washy especially where they were jumping, so I thought it might completely blow it out and look funny, next time I go I will experiment a lot more.

Jo I think your right, I just wanna get the look I want then I can aim for composition!

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Thanks Annie, I wasn't sure about putting it up much higher than 400 as the sky was so white and whishy washy especially where they were jumping, so I thought it might completely blow it out and look funny, next time I go I will experiment a lot more.

Jo I think your right, I just wanna get the look I want then I can aim for composition!

ISO 400 is pretty much my 'standard" - I very rarely go any lower (number) than that.

Mostly shoot outdoors anything from 400 to 3200 - and indoors 1600 - 6400

But I do have trouble holding the camera steady, which is why I need a fast shutter speed - even for portraits..lol

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Thanks again for the advice, Snook so basically your saying if the iso is higher then the shutter speed will be faster yea? So If I stay in Aperture priority and play with the iso then the shutter speed should adjust accordingly.

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I'm assuming anniek's suggestion for a shutter speed of 1/4000 or higher is a typo and she means 1/400

No,not a typo..lol

One of the main reasons I upgraded from the 400D - which had a max of 4,000 was to get a max of 8,000. I usually shoot as close to 8,000 as I can for action - greyhounds run bloody fast you know!

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Ok got it!

You should see my white girl run, she is lightning fast! She is defintley not your average pet dog. :laugh: Think she might have been a whippet in a former life. :rofl:

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