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Air Freight Crates

Luke GSP

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Hi all, it looks like we are going to be adopting a Cocker in to our family, as part of the agreement we have a 21 day period to check that he likes us and the other furry members of the family and that we like him (never met a dog that I didn't like yet) I would like to have an enclosed airfreight type crate to use as a bed in the short to medium term so that he can feel tucked away and safe in there once he gets to his strange new home. The problem is all my crates are GSP size. So, I was wondering if anyone in the south sydney/shire area had an airfreight style crate either that they could loan (happy to leave a deposit if you are worried that we might run off :) ) or alternatively an older one that is not used anymore that they would like to sell? I just don't want to pay full price for a brand new one that fundamentally is only going to be used for a very short period of time. If anyone could offer any help it would be greatly appreciated. I would assume that a 70cm by about 50cm footprint would be about right??????

I'm actually really frustrated as a couple of times a few years ago, I did some mercy runs for the cattle dog rescue down in canberra (taking some dogs from Londonderry to Canberra) and I bought exactly what I need now to keep them safe in the back of my car, unfortunately I have obviously lent it to someone and they have not returned it and for the life of me I cannot remember who it was, as it is not in my garage with all the jumbo GSP size ones now.GRRRRRR very annoyed with myself :confused::(:confused:

Edited by Luke GSP
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I wouldn't bother just use ne of your crates & put a blanket over,easier for the dog to see its surrounding,better air flow & less enclosed which alot of dogs dislike

Good point and should that be an issue, I will revert to a wire crate, however I wanted to have the choice though as apparently the dog is very "soft" and my female GSP was/is also very soft and where as my male loved the wire crate, she hated it and only really settled when we used an enclosed style, as everything with dogs "horses for courses" I suppose.

Anyway, Thanks for the responces but I have found the crate in question, it was under a ton of stuff in our spare bedroom so it's all good, thanks to those that posted. :)

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