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Terrible Dog Attack In Broken Hill


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Three mix breed dogs apparantly.........I can just imagine what the breed mix will be :mad

They were cattle dog crosses

Is that what you had in mind m-sass? I think not.....

I hope the people recover from their injuries. It would have been terrifying for an adult. I too am glad they didn't attack a child.

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How horrible. Those poor people. And yes, lucky it wasn't a child.

Mr Taylor says the dogs have never hurt anyone before.

"No, never, because they've never been outside of the yard, they were always locked in the yard beside the workshop here.

Totally unsocialised dogs in a new and exciting environment; and who had formed a pack.

Not surprising, really.

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Three mix breed dogs apparantly.........I can just imagine what the breed mix will be :mad

They were cattle dog crosses

Is that what you had in mind m-sass? I think not.....

Fighting fire with fire may work in fire fighting, but only if you set a backfire to work against a normal heading blaze. In a dog fight or argument, it tends only be more like adding one headfire to another headfire . . . resulting only in more flames.

Harmless enough here, but indigirl, why waste your breath . . . and m-sass, unless you're angling for confrontation, why not choose your words more carefully?

There are reactive dogs . . . and then there are reactive people. I'm on the reactive side myself, and I'm probably making an ass of myself trying to stomp out flames, but what the hell.

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