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Animal Fur Dander

Tara and Sam

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I need some help Please

it appears I am allergic to my dogs "dander" from her skin / coat

I have never had a problem before with Tara or Sam or any dogs before

I have had my little girl CKCS 3 months and since then I have been suffering from clogged up nose and rattly chest ( yes I had the cold that was around but over that )

I nurse her and then start sneezing etc :(

She is on Prednislone for some allergy she has

next step from vet is to try and work out what causeing her problem

so the more she scratches the more problems I have also

checking with my doctor when get there also for what can help me

I do not want to find her a new home so am trying to find what can help her and me

any suggestions Please

google search has come up with some shampoos to help but all in the USA


bedding . floors . etc cleaned and vacummed regularly

she is groomed and washed regularly

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The doggie has an allergy? And you are reacting to her?

My immediate thought is that yeast is the culprit. Doggy has a yeast overload which is causing her allergies and you are also allergic to yeast which is why you haven't reacted to a dog before.

Just an idea :)

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My immediate thought is that yeast is the culprit. Doggy has a yeast overload which is causing her allergies and you are also allergic to yeast which is why you haven't reacted to a dog before.
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make sure your vet (or a dermatologist) tests the pup for a yeast problem ...then it can be treated .... :)

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Although I have never experienced this myself, I had a friend allergic to his wifes new cats. He took allergy tablets (like the ones for hay fever) for a couple of weeks then seemed to build up an immunity?

Not sure if he was just lucky though.......

Good luck, I hope you are able to sort this out soon.

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Get your doctor to do a blood test to find out exactly how allergic you are to your dog & also if you are allergic to any of the more common ones they test for.

The blood test covers dogs, cats, cows, horses, sheep, grasses,weeds, dust. I can't remember the rest. The results come back in about 5 days. You need to make very sure it is just the dog. Assume nothing with allergies.

A few years ago I suddenly developed cat allergy, moderate, & had most unusual symptoms. No usual wheezing, runny eyes, nose, small rash etc I just got huge lumps & welts, some 4 inches long, from my neck to my waist at the front but nowhere else on my body then in the night I used to burn & sweat. Did have cats on the bed.

Test last year showed it had gone down to mild so I still breed & show but limit how many inside at once. It can alter & come & go. Good luck.

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My immediate thought is that yeast is the culprit. Doggy has a yeast overload which is causing her allergies and you are also allergic to yeast which is why you haven't reacted to a dog before.

make sure your vet (or a dermatologist) tests the pup for a yeast problem ...then it can be treated ....

( I couldnt get the quote right ) :)

I feel like I've heard of sort of desensitisation therapies for allergies. I don't know if it is specific to certain things or not and I don't really know how it works. I'm sure your doctor will have some ideas or refer you to someone who may be able to help

Yes you can have that done , I may have to if cant solve the problem

The doggie has an allergy? And you are reacting to her?

My immediate thought is that yeast is the culprit. Doggy has a yeast overload which is causing her allergies and you are also allergic to yeast which is why you haven't reacted to a dog before.

Yes she is allergic to something , and scratches alot

as she came from another state I first thought it was the lawn , but not sure now , she sheds hair alot and apparantly it is dander

strangley I thought I was reacting to her itching at first , but every morning I wake up I am blocked nose and coughing from rattly chest ,and sneezing and only since she has been here

the vet who treated my other girl did say she had a yeast infection under her chin ( redness , itchy etc ) and treated her accordingly but hasnt been mentioned with the visits with this girl

but will check into it more

and as for me , havent been allergic to yeast or anthing

only people who bath in perfume :laugh:

yes Tibbie it might also be my immune system is down after a rather stressfull last 12 months or so

Thanks for the replies

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Could it be possible that you are both allergic to the same thing, and it's not your pup that you are actually allergic to? Just seems funny that you are both showing signs of an allergy...


I had thought of that but cant work out what is different for both of us

I never had this problem with my other 2 dogs

1 a Cocker Spaniel and a Border collie cross both here for 15 years

mums CKCS I dont have the problem with

my girl also came from same Breeder , yet different parents to mum's girl

my girl is 7 yrs old ( she was companion for Cocker Spaniel until she passed away )

since she has been here I have noticed when hold her I sneeze and itchy eyes etc

she does have a allery to something and scrathces alot

have spoken to Vet about it twice and next step is to find what it could be

he was the one who mentioned the Dander , she sheds hair a lot

me - since she has been here I wake up every morning blocked up and rattly chest and getting dark circles under eyes , which is a sign of allery

I need to have a op but they wont take me in untill I can clear my rattly chest

this only started after she got here

I have lived with family dogs nd cat since a child and never had this before

I have lived here for many years and never had this , vet thinks she is the main problem affecting me

so I will speak to my doctor also and have allergy tests to give me a answer also

thanks for replies

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could you see if you sent your girl away (stay at your mums) for a few days to see if your allergies clear up?

in saying that I agree with others, get yourself tested and see ifyou can undergo desensitisation. You should be able to get a referral if you explain to your doctor the need to clear up your chest/get your allergies sorted.

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from what you say, it doesm't soumd like a damder issue as you are OK with your mums dog does soumd like you are allerigic to the same thimg as your dog.

I would go amd have the allergy dlood test for yourself amd see what that comes dack with. I also started with allergies last year amd the docs kept sayimg it was dogs dut it is dust.

Do you take amti histamimes?

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Could it be the dog shampoo or flea treatment you are using on her now.If she is scratching a lot she may have an allergy to her food which can alter the way she smells.So can a yeast or other infection.

Discuss her diet with the Vet;she may need blood tests and a change of diet.If you were allergic to dogs i would expect a reaction to your mothers dog as well.

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