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Phd Projects On Dingoes


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The Invasive Animals CRC are calling for applications for PhD scholarships for a variety of projects, including several studying dingoes.

If you have a good honours in ecology, sociology or economic modelling it could be something to think about :) The scholarships provide a higher stipend and more time than standard PhDs, plus lots of extra training.

The scholarships: http://www.invasiveanimals.com/phd-scholarship-applications/

Projects available: http://www.invasiveanimals.com/education/phd-project-opportunities/

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I didn't get to see them up close (should have pushed to do it though - that would have been awesome!). I tried to do too much that year to fit that in - apart from honours it was also the year I did the NDTF course, and they did not have a distance program then, so I had to trek to Melbourne all the time :laugh:

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