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How Much Does Your Dog Sleep?


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Jarrah (kelpie) is a total couch potato most of the time. Like Jules's BCs he has a good off-switch. He goes to bed when we do at midnight & will happily sleep until lunchtime if you let him, he will sleep all day in his crate & go out to the toilet before bed & still be waiting at the door to come back inside 2 minutes later :laugh: .

Our GSD isn't particularly active, she's coming up for 9 so has slowed down a lot in the last few years.

Whisper (BC) & Jonty (sheltie) are pretty active, they spend most of the day outside & nights in their crates.

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My BC pup is only young but will have a play first thing in the morning and after breakfast. Then snooze over lunchtime into the mid-late arvo when its playtime again before dinner.

After dinner more snoozing until evening play at 8:30ish. After that he's out cold for the night :)

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Mine are up with the sun. They have a nap mid morning and mid arvo but only for a hour or so each time. Then I'm usually up once a night to let them out.

They are very active :(

:laugh: Sounds like you need some greyhounds Aussie. I have a t-shirt that says "Adopt a greyhound...lose a couch" :)

:rofl: Would love one of those!!

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When I work nightshift, I stay up all night the night before and sleep all of the next day in preparation. On these nights my dog Boomer (2 year old Italian Greyhound) will go to bed with my partner as per usual at about 11pm or midnight. He will then sleep with me right through until 3 - 4pm the next day with no loo break! I don't know how the hell he does it! We always leave the door open for him incase he does need to go out.. but he never does! Just stays in bed until I get up and then saunters outside and does an absolute marathon wee which practically floods our tiny little yard.. Lol.

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My current Border Collie basically sleeps all day if there is nothing happening. If I take him out for the day he rarely sleeps in the car, preferring to see where we are going and will stay awake all day at a show. His mum on the other hand used to be awake and alert for a good part of the day at home but if I put her in the car she would be asleep before we got out of the driveway. At shows she slept all day except when required for grooming or actually being in the ring.

My 12 month old Jap Spitz on the other hand is pretty much awake and moving for 12-14 hours a day and has just eased off a little from his average of 5 hours a day chewing stuff.

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I'm fairly sure my little devil Pom sleeps when I'm at work for 90% of the time, as soon as I get home we go for a 5km walk, then we get home and he still goes absolutely insane with energy! He sleeps all night with me too though. On weekends he will stay curled up with me as long as I'm in bed :)

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