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Socialisation Classes/behaviouralist?

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Hi all,

I'm on here asking for some advice for a friend who has just claimed her dog back after a break up where she ended up in a situation where she couldn't take her dog when she left. A year down the track she has been able to retrieve her 3 year old mastiff x ridgeback. Unfortunately the dog didn't get much attention from her ex-partner and was rarely taken out of the yard in this time. She appears to have lost her social skills and will now act aggressively to some dogs when going on walks. She has not let her off lead (obviously) as she doesn't trust her dog anymore.

My question is, what can she do to help her dog relearn how to socialise? Many people wouldn't be willing to lend their dogs with a risk of them being attacked. Are there classes available or the help of a behaviouralist? Finances aren't great, so it can't be ridiculously expensive either. What about having the dog muzzled in social situations? Although, I do believe she will need professional help learning to control/correct her dog. Any suggestions for behaviourists or professional help in the Newcastle area would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys.

Edited by KateAndDuke
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Where about is she based? I'd recommend a behaviourist over a trainer. Contact Steve from k9pro about getting the right muzzle - safer for everyone

Eta: just saw the location. Contact Steve from k9pro and discuss options

Edited by megan_
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