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Thanks Snook, I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing with the RAW files or not, but seems I am as what you described is exactly what I have been doing.

On my screen Coops head doesn't look to blown out, a little bit lighter possibly, might be the screen? I dunno. I know what you mean about more space, I didn't crop these at all I just had the camera really close. :laugh: I snapped them quick as the other dogs were running in between me and the camera bombing my shots! :laugh:

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Here is one I took of Shine a couple of days ago.

Really nice Vickie :D I've got a similar idea in my head too, but just waiting for the cat to comply :laugh:

Great shots all :) I'm hopefully having a bit of a bush walk with my two this weekend, so will get some shutter priority practice in, and maybe even some in AV mode if anyone stays still enough for a portrait :laugh:

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Well we went bowling and I just went crazy shooting over 700 images, :laugh: Still going through them, very pleased with the camera in the light in the bowling alley, I pushed the iso up to no more than 1600 and I used AV mode for this shot. f2.8 1/80 and I left the white balance on Auto. I still feel like I am not nailing the focus but I'm hoping that will come with practice.


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I've watched countless tutorials and have worked out the different focus points, there is a lot in this camera and you can quickly toggle through them to suit the situation, then there is 3 lots of focus settings, for moving not moving etc. I think the focus was definatley on the ball in this shot it was bright orange and out in front. I also think the B&W preset has given the whole shot a soft feel.

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Great that you are figuring out the focus system :thumbsup: I know there are a lot of options!

In your preset two things to look for if you are getting soft images are the clarity slider and the contrast slider. Softness isn't a bad thing, but it's helpful to know which sliders are doing which things to an image so you can tweak them to your liking! Don't forget in lightroom you can use a brush to apply most things to only certain areas, too - I know, I know, another thing to play with and learn!!

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I love Lightroom, I've never used the brush, and I have found some of the presets I have used still do need a little tweak to get the look I want. I've only just started to use presets, I've even made a couple of my own. :laugh: Thanks for the feedback guys, it's great.

Wish some more would post in here, come on guys get posting!

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well here is mine.

Sorry the way I got rid of the badge on his shirt is really lame :o I'm not really good at using that tool. But I only did it to make it interwebz friendly anyway :)


hey can someone tell me, if I upload an image to Flickr and set it as private, can I still use the links to post it here for people to see?

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Great shot I love it! Do you use photoshop at all? There is a brilliant tool called content aware fill, if you wanted to remove the logo from the shirt you just select the logo and go to edit, fill, then content dare and click gone, just like that. It blends the colour around the thing you want to remove to make it the same. very clever, what used to take ages to do is now done in a few clicks.

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Great shot I love it! Do you use photoshop at all? There is a brilliant tool called content aware fill, if you wanted to remove the logo from the shirt you just select the logo and go to edit, fill, then content dare and click gone, just like that. It blends the colour around the thing you want to remove to make it the same. very clever, what used to take ages to do is now done in a few clicks.

oh wow! That would be perfect tlc! So is that only on photoshop, not Lightroom?

I have Lightroom, but not photoshop, would be very cool to have both. I tried using the brush first and then I used the spot removal.

eta: o.k. after watching that in full I'm pretty sure it's not available in Lightroom :laugh: It's so cool though!

Edited by raineth
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