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A Few Shots


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:laugh: She's a doll really, just a mellow old lady, she has always had a kind of evil look about her but she is the total opposite, she will be 21 on the 1st December this year. She doesn't do much these days eats and sleeps and thats about it. :laugh: It feels like I have had her my entire life.

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Wow nearly 21 that's fantastic! I never would have guessed she was that old! I'm sure she's a lovely old lady. Do you have any photos of her looking less cranky? :) All my two raggies do is eat and sleep and they're only 5! :laugh:

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Oh thank you for sharing those tlc...lovely photos. :) Love the ones with Bailey and those ones from her 19th birthday with the santa hat on the red rug are fantastic. :) She looks like a sweetie.. even if in some of the shots she does still rather have that evil death stare going on! :laugh:

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Aww...I think Holly is pretty! Especially for being 20 years old! :)

My collies and raggies get on fantastically well.. Molly mothers everybody, cleans their ears and eyes..the raggies line up in front of her nose and meow at her until she cleans them sometimes! Lazy buggers.. :laugh: Luka grew up with the raggies so gets along with them really well (we put the no chasing rule in place very early on!) but he is the self appointed fun police and will barge in on them if they're play fighting and break it up... We get those horrible minah birds that swoop the cats in the backyard and Luka will go out with them and stand sentinel for them and bark at the birds and chase them away so they don't bother 'his' kitties! It's so adorable...

And the raggies wind up around the collies legs and are generally pretty happy to just hang out with them. Dash will occasionally have a hissy fit if Luka gets too nosey and he tries to beat Luka up but Luka just looks at him like 'what's up cat?' while Dash is all 'Stop poking me! I'm going to rip your nose off!!' but the raggies never ever get their claws out so thankfully no damage is done..just a few dents to poor Dash's pride!

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Aaa thats so sweet, its nice when they all get along fabulously, Bailey never gets his claws out either and I think thats why the dogs think they can play so rough with him, where as Holly when the dogs were young, she let them know very early on she was the queen of the Manor and they always respected her for that, she put each dog as they came in their place and they always knew their place with her, she was already 14 when Cooper came along so fair enough. :laugh:

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