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Camera Card Help

Frodo's mum

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I just took a heap of photo's and when I went to put the card into the computer to download it said needs to format the card and I will loose all images

so I put it back in the camera and it said the same thing banghead.gif

I have had this card since I got the camera ..... why would I need to format the card now ??????

can i do this without loosing all the photo's on it somehow crying.gif

I am a computer dummy so need an easy explanation frown.gif

thanks in advance

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hmm, that doesn't sound good.

Try this:

take your card out of camera

take battery out of camera - count to 60

put battery back in

put card back in

If it's still saying it needs to format, your best bet is to give one of the photo recovery software options a try to see if it can identify images from the card. PhotoRec is my choice.

Do not reformat the card until you are sure you either have all the images off it or are sure you never will.

Good luck.

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I'd get a new card. That just shouldn't happen.

Did you review the images in camera while you were shooting at all?

yes that's why I was so disappointed as there looked like some great action one's crying.gif

I look through them and delete off the camera when I take a few while I'm taking them

just took another heap to see if all ok and everything is right again, of course photo's are no where as good as the lost one'sfrown.gif

off to eat chocolate chip cookies to see if I feel better

thanks so much for your help smile.gif

Edited by Frodo's mum
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Sad to hear that you have lost the images, there is no greater a heartbreaking feeling than seeing it coming up telling you there are no images when you know darn well there should be

word to the wise - NEVER delete either via the camera while shooting, or using the computer itself to delete - doing so can cause all sorts of issues on the card, as it may also delete other pixels you want, or overwrite what you have already shot. I can sympathise with you, as had exactly the same thing happen to me 6 years ago - family trip, shot 3 cards while we were away, had all of the first card, and the remainder on card 3, but card 2m which had some totally awesome ones on there of my kids - dudded, and could not get any images at all off it. I now always format a card once I have gotten the images off it (which wipes it clean, and is then meant to help remove any problems), by using the option in my cameras menu, but will never wipe until photos have been safely downloaded and backed up. Once a card give any problems, I toss them - it may never do anything wrong again, but would rather throw away the card than take another risk at losing images. I also now only use Lexar Platinum or professional cards, the one I had an issue with was a fuji and cheaper brand I can't recall

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Sad to hear that you have lost the images, there is no greater a heartbreaking feeling than seeing it coming up telling you there are no images when you know darn well there should be

word to the wise - NEVER delete either via the camera while shooting, or using the computer itself to delete - doing so can cause all sorts of issues on the card, as it may also delete other pixels you want, or overwrite what you have already shot. I can sympathise with you, as had exactly the same thing happen to me 6 years ago - family trip, shot 3 cards while we were away, had all of the first card, and the remainder on card 3, but card 2m which had some totally awesome ones on there of my kids - dudded, and could not get any images at all off it. I now always format a card once I have gotten the images off it (which wipes it clean, and is then meant to help remove any problems), by using the option in my cameras menu, but will never wipe until photos have been safely downloaded and backed up. Once a card give any problems, I toss them - it may never do anything wrong again, but would rather throw away the card than take another risk at losing images. I also now only use Lexar Platinum or professional cards, the one I had an issue with was a fuji and cheaper brand I can't recall

thank you so much for that, I always delete photo's off the camera ( while I'm waiting for the dogs to do something stupud LOL )

I won't do it again

I am more disappointed as I think I actually FLUKE a few great action shots...well looked good on back of camera

my card is a sandisk extreme I took a heap after it happened and all ok but I'm really paranoid now

I will get a new card tomorrow. I will also try and remember to format it each time take the photo's off

it's most frustrating and so disappointing isn't it

thanks again for your advise has all been taken a board smile.gif

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This just happened to me with my entire 1GB external hard drive. Its looking like I won't be getting any back. Photorec has been running all weekend and still says 480 hours remaining :(

so sorry it's just terrible isn't it

i know mine weren't anything special but just disappointed I may have fluked some good one's of the dogs

I feel so sorry for you and for one's like Linda K one's that can't be taken again frown.gif

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I had a very similar problem a couple of months ago. I loaded the photos onto my desktop ok but when I went to load them onto the laptop I got the message that the card needed to be formatted and I would lose all the images I thought this was rather strange.

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