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Feel Like A Bad Mum

Dame Aussie

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The dogs were inside for a few hours today while we were out and managed to get themselves locked in our spare room. This resulted in a bit of destruction and I noticed that Lili had blood on her back :eek:

I freaked at first but I've cleaned it now and it's a little cut/wound, pretty tiny. I have cleaned it with some salt water as I couldn't find the bl**dy Betadine.

What is worrying me is that I don't know what happened, either she fell on something but I can't find anything with blood on it, so that makes me think maybe they got into a blue due to being stuck in a small space together :(

We're taking her into the vet tomorrow to have it checked out and look at getting some antibiotics just in case this is what happened....they are the best of mates, rarely if ever actually get into fights so I really hope that didn't happen. She seems fine within herself, running around as usual and being silly, eating fine, acting normal around Mosley, but I just feel like a crap Mum :(

Any other tips on what I can do to keep it clean till tomorrow? We'll be taking her to the vet first thing.

Thanks for the vent :o

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Aw poor puppy :( Cherry has been in a few bad scuffles in her time, ending up with scratches, but bathing it in salt water worked wonders :thumbsup: Don't feel bad, it wasn't your fault! Dogs will be dogs, and I'm sure she's forgotten about it already :D

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Do keep a close eye on that back would. Have you been to the vets?

I don't want to scare you but this is my experience.

Long story short, my Schipperke once had an altercation with a foster GSD I had on trial. She ended up with a very small tear on the back (scruff area) that I treated myself and it healed up beautifully. I had treated many a horse injury, wound myself and didn't think about the location of the wound and it's inability to drain properly.

The GSD went back to be placed in a home without other dogs.

Five weeks later Tessa was sitting on the front verandah shaking. I patted her and noticed a huge wound on her back. It had abcessed and festered and now blew out.

She needed life saving surgery to clean the wound and bacically was cut from armpit to armpit across the top of her body, cleaned up and restitched. It was a horrific wound and the Vet and staff couldn't believed she pulled through from the massive infection that was throughout her body.

I WAS A BAD MUM. And learnt a valuable lesson about dog bites and wound location.

Edited by LizT
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Thanks LizT, yes we went to the vet this morning as I know that while it can look like not much at all you don't know what's happening underneath!

The vet said it was a very shallow puncture mark, most likely from them playing rough. Not surprising as they play like demons! She gave us a 3 day course of AB's to keep any infection away :)

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Thanks LizT, yes we went to the vet this morning as I know that while it can look like not much at all you don't know what's happening underneath!

The vet said it was a very shallow puncture mark, most likely from them playing rough. Not surprising as they play like demons! She gave us a 3 day course of AB's to keep any infection away :)

That's good. :) If only I knew then what I do now!

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Thanks LizT, yes we went to the vet this morning as I know that while it can look like not much at all you don't know what's happening underneath!

The vet said it was a very shallow puncture mark, most likely from them playing rough. Not surprising as they play like demons! She gave us a 3 day course of AB's to keep any infection away :)

Well that's good news, sounds like she will heal up in no time. :)

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