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New To Photography


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Hi all,

Not sure if this is the right place to put this, if it's not please let me know & I'll get it moved / removed.

Anyway, what I was wondering is, a few years ago I bought a Fuji camera, a S5500, which I thought was just a point & shoot camera, the other day I thought it was high time I stopped using my phone as my camera & pulled out the real camera I had, so I went to the cupboard & dragged it out to start playing with, the first thing I had to do was find the instruction book, which much to my surprise I did (normally any paperwork that isn't filed, seems to go into a black hole from which it never emerges again).

Imagine my surprise when I find out that I don't need a wide angle lense as it's already built in! Apparently, my point & shoot is a little more advanced than I realised!

So (sorry I got sidetracked) my question is, is there anyone out there that either has one of these cameras, or can point me to a "how to" for dummies, I tried to read the manual whilst relaxing in a beautiful B &B in Beechworth over the weekend & it just gave me a headache :( & I think that my little camera can do everything I want to do & probably a whole heap more than I'll ever want :laugh: but only if I can find out how to use it!

My puppies & horses will thank you for your help, hopefully I'll be able to get some beautiful photos that do my babies justice - I just need to learn how best to use my camera.

Thanks All

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I'm not familiar with that camera I'm afraid, but the best thing you can do is to go out and play with it - change the settings and see how that is reflected in your pics :D That's the beauty of digital, nothing wasted except your time :)

I look forward to seeing some photos :D

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Search you tube for hints and tips on how to use your camera or just google it..

You will be amazed at the amount of info out there.

I have learned more about my camera form You tube and google than I did reading the manual...

Oh and lots of hints and tips from the wonderful photographers here on DOL.

Check out the hints and tips in the forums that have been pinned at the top of the photo forum... There is so much info in there and once you get to know your camera, a lot of the info is interchangeable as it is advice on framing, light and composition...

Good luck and mostly just have fun.. Play with the camera and take pictures in different light on different settings. You will soon learn.

The best thing about digital cameras is that you can delete the ones that don't work out so well.

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