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Whelping Box


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I am new here and this is also my first time breeding.

My bitch is expecting pups in 3 weeks and we have got her box ready in the laundry with access to outside but she is not at all interested in it. Have tried locking her in the room but she scratches and scratches and cries. My dogs are outside dogs but will sneak inside whenever they get the chance. Any tips?

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Feed her in there.. sit with her in there ... give her bones in there .... let her know you're happy for her to be there ...put some of her bedding in there, so it smells good ... don't lock her in ....if she has never been locked indoors before it will be VERY stressful.

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All that Persephone said.

Also, I would not want her to be able to choose access to outside in the beginning as she will likely choose to make a best outside and have her pups there or relocate them from the box once born.

My girl didn't like her whelping box initially either. I used to spend time just sitting there with her having quiet time together. Once things started happening though and the door was shut and I was in there with her se was happy to use the box and stay there with her pups. I did find 2 huge very well hidden holes outside that she would have used had it been her choice though.

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My girls babies are 3 days old.....She never spends any time in the box prior to the whelping.

But my bitch is allowed access inside so I can keep an eye on her. The pups are whelped inside & the box is in the lounge room so the pups are part of the household, noises and family etc.

When the first stage of whelping begins my bitch follows me around & is restless, will nest under my bed etc. I don't leave the house that day til I know all the pups are out! So on Tues nite/wed morning I sleep in the lounge room & my girl lay with. When the final contractions began & it is obvious a pup was on its way I sat in the box with her & this is where the pups are born. Now she only goes outside for a quick toilet break & rushes back to her babies :)

Good Luck

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None of mine ever really spent any time in the whelping box until they went into pre labour. I put some sort of old bedding that could be ripped up on their normal bed then put that in the box when they really start to nest and let them rip it too shreds, only taking it out just as they are settled in full labour when it is replaced with paper and drybed.

We did have one that had no pre labour and just dropped a puppy on the floor, so we put the puppy and new mum in the box and convinced her it was her baby and she was fine from then. With another I had to sit in the box with her but she was in pain and terrified with a seriously stuck first puppy which took a lot of manipulating to get him out. After that she was happy to stay there to deliver the rest.

It is normal for them to dig great dens outside but just keep checking that they haven't dug under a building where you cannot get to them and block it off if they do that. Digging seems to help bring on the labour so I don't discourage it but do watch them carefully.

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Too early. Put the box away or prevent her accessing it until the last week. Mine scorn the "approved" place until the last day or two, but they're primarily inside dogs so the couch or dog bed is always better :laugh:

The last 5-7 days just put one of her blankets in there, feed her there and make sure other dogs can't access the area and she will almost certainly decide this is a good place. 2-3 days before hand replace her bed with whatever you intend her to whelp on and perhaps put a small piece of her usual bed in there too is she's a fussy type.

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thankyou everyone for your advise.

Glad I found this forum.

I will have to keep a good eye out for the digging as she is already doing this and we are forever blocking up holes.

She is also starting to get very crotchety with the other dogs so will have to be careful there too.

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