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No Free Lunch Training


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Hi Guys I am looking for a straight forward explaination about the NFL training principles I saw one posted by I think Peresphone ??? maybe but danged if I can find it. Can peresphone repost the link she put up again. I want my puppy buyers to get a copy cause when I try to explain the principle I woffle too much. (like I am now) :) Thanks

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It is the Nothing in Life is Free link - at the top of this forum!

ETA: Oops - I thought it was there but it isn't. Off to look if it is on the Puppy forum

Edited by megan_
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Sophia Yin has a Learn to Earn Program - similar to NILIF - HERE - there's a link to a free poster on this page you could hand out.

On the flip side Kathy Sdao has a new book called Plenty in Life is Free -Here - an alternative to NILIF. Dogs do lots in life that is right, we're just really bad at reinforcing it!

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On the flip side Kathy Sdao has a new book called Plenty in Life is Free -Here - an alternative to NILIF. Dogs do lots in life that is right, we're just really bad at reinforcing it!

:thumbsup: I think NILIF & PILIF are both worth thinking about! I started off using fairly strict NILIF on my dogs but soon realised that because I have high energy dogs I wanted to reinforce calm, lying quietly on their mat, not following me around etc. and from the dogs' POV that is the same as a free treat. So I chilled out on it after that, and use a balance where most things have to be 'earned' but there is lots of 'free' stuff too (especially pats :))

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