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Ball Induced Eye Injury, Should I Be Worried?

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My poor baby! :cry: We were playing fetch with the ball thrower and I accidently hit him with the ball (a Chuckit Ultra Ball) right in the eye! :cry::eek::cry: He screamed when it happened and fell to the ground. Then went and got the ball *rolls eyes

My first thought was that I'd ruptured his eye or fractured the socket. He recovered quickly and I've checked his eye and can't feel anything broken, though it's very tender and has now started to swell. He is keeping it shut mostly, but when he does the eye doesn't look 'right' to me (I might be a bit paranoid though) from what I can see of it, the white seems a bit more bloodshot than the other and the pupil seems very contracted, and he just shuts the eye when I shone a light in it.

Apart from how it looks and that he doesn't want it touched, he is acting normally. Happy to eat, and run around while we were out. He is now curled up on the couch and doesn't seem to be in pain or distress.

I feel SOOO bad :cry::mad:cry: And don't know what to do. Should I ring the after hours vet? Or keep an eye on him until tomorrow? Should I try an put an ice pack on it?

AARRGGHHHH! I'm such a bad owner!

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Ok, I've just rung the vet, spoke to one of their older experienced ones, he said that the fact that it isn't bleeding, that there isn't any obvious abrasions and that the pupil isn't dilated is a good sign.

If the eye was bulging, the pupil dilated, the eye bloody or very swollen, then he said to bring him straight in.

He also said that some swelling is to be expected with a 'blunt force trauma' :( so not to be TOO worried, just to keep a close eye on him, and bring him in in the morning if it's no better.

Also that an ice pack may help

Edited by Chequeredblackdog
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Don't beat yourself up CBD. Accidents happen sometimes, doesn't mean your a bad owner.

I'd be getting his eye checked out tonight if you can. Best to be safe than sorry.

ETA; I just read your latest post CBD and that you've spoken to the vet. Fingers crossed the swelling comes down soon then and that all's ok.

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Also that an ice pack may help

That doesnt sound like much fun.

I did the same thing with one of my Staffy's. The poor girl was torn between dealing with the pain and chasing the ball, so she was sort of running sideways, I felt so bad. I dont think I got her as good as you got yours though, she wanted to still play ball with one eye and she looked fine after an hour.

Really just pointing out that it does happen to others as well.

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This type of injury is quite common - I've accidently slapped my own dog in the face with a rope toy too :(

If the pupil on that side is constricted and he is avoiding light then it means the eye is painful, as well as probably having sore tissue surrounding the eye. It's common for them to get a condition called uveitis from blunt trauma to the eye (among other things) and it is definitely something that warrants a vet visit - if not tonight then first thing in the morning. They can also end up with corneal ulcers from abrasion.

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Sorry, I forgot to update :o

Took him to the vet the next morning, though the swelling had gone down a bit. The vet had a good check of his eye and the surrounding tissue and couldn't find any permanent damage. No abrasions etc, just some swelling. Said he'd be fine and just keep an eye on him and make sure the swelling went down. Which it has :D It still looks a tiny bit puffy to me, but only because I'm looking for it.

For the future I think either I need to improve my aim, or Reggie will need to wear safety goggles! :o :laugh:

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Once my Whippet got hit hard by a child's swing with child in it. I yelled her name to try and get her away but it didnt work and she for some reason thought I had actually done it to her and wouldn't come near me for a bit :( I felt soooooo bad.

Good to hear the eye is getting better :)

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