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What Age Can You Give Puppies Bones?


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Just a quick question.. what age is it okay to give a dog bones? I have noticed my pup keeps finding the bones in the yard that belong to my older dog and having a good chew on them.. Wanted to know when it's okay to give her bones? She's 9 weeks at the moment. Thanks! :laugh:

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providing dogs are fed separately , and given bones which they can completely eat/digest , I start when they have teeth !

Our pups love chicken wings, rabbit carcasses, chicken frames , and lamb flaps with some bone in.

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Mine get meaty bones for 5 weeks, so 9 weeks is fine. (They never get 'bones' as in a hunk of bone with no meat on) Only problems would be if she's not used to digesting real food if she manages to get meat etc off the bones she might get quite an upset tum for a day or so until her systems adjusts. Also, again if she's not used to it old bones harbour bacteria and all sorts so this can upset a dog who's system isn't used to the challenge. Me, I'd be picking up the manky old bones and giving her a nice fresh meaty one for lunch :laugh:

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Yes I would definitely throw out the old bones first! Not only potentially harbour nasties but bones are something that can cause disputes even amongst normally well behaved dogs as they are a high value food item

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Personally I would't be worried about old dry bones that the dog keeps finding.

They are often found at my place and given a new life as a different game.

As for nasties.... dogs eat shit...... I think a few old bones aren't a problem.

Dogs bury the bones to try and get that extra flavour!!!!

I have never had dogs with gut problems from eating the old bones.

In 29 years of dog ownership I have only ever had one bone issue and that was an old dog that got a sharp pointed piece of bone stuck in her gut. Nothing to do with it being old or new, just the shape of the bit she chewed off.

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My last lab wouldn't really touch her bones until they had been buried for atleast a day, we used to say she was giving them "flavor" smile.gif She would want us to hose it off first the it way good to go haha she was my ol iron gutembarrass.gif

My new pup on the other hand ive tried with meat flaps and lamb riblets etc she either swallows them whole eek1.gif Which worries me or brings them back up later. She's now 9 months and only seems to understand chomping up chicken frames. Not sure I I should persist and just get bigger beef bones for her to chomp on and let her gut adjust. Pigs trotter yesterday made her tummy cranky, do their tummy's eventually adjust if you just keep persisting with the food?

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1341700412[/url]' post='5890009']
My new pup on the other hand ive tried with meat flaps and lamb riblets etc she either swallows them whole

..then they are not big enough :) You may also want to try freezing them.

They were frozen, my ol girl just new to chew them guess I was expecting my pup to know to do the same. Bigger beef shin bones might be the way with her I think.

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Mine swallow chicken necks and wings whole. So they don't get them. Apart from a choking hazard when eaten like that, they aren't getting any benefit for their teeth.

So they get lamb flaps, (whole or halves) lamb necks, lamb spines, chicken carcasses, beef briskets, beef bones and they eat them and chew them.

Like pers said, they need to be big to make them stop and actually chew them.

The speed at which each of them eat their bones vary as they are all pigs.

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