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Makes You Feel Good.

t a i l s.

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Took a walk to the shops today with my Bernese, Bruno and the guest Stafford, Bundy, And while sitting at the park between the shops and home the dogs were enjoying a pigs ear and I spot a JRT in the distance, at the park but about 100 metres away and she's slowly walking closer and closer, so I pull Bruno and Bundys leashes a little and call them closer, neither had noticed the little lady and she gets roughly 3 metres away and just stops and sits down, there's no one else at the park besides us, and she's wearing a collar... I guess she decided it was time for a stroll, but anyway she just stays at that distance sniffing the air and watching the dogs, they've seen her now and are completely unfazed by her, usually Bruno wants to say hi to everyone....

She was so calm and content it was amazing the energy she was giving off, confident and calm. I was disappointed to see no one being responsible for her but I was just so happy about everyone's behaviour, made my day :)

I just thought I'd share my positive experience with a unrestrained dog seeing as we hear of so many attacks and close calls with strays/off leads.

Sorry for the long post, lol.

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Yay for a good news story! :thumbsup:

I have one too: the other day at the park I let my dog off leash and gave her the release word, and she started trotting off, then noticed two of her friends (a GR and a Bernese MD) crossing the road away from the park. To my horror, my Maggie totally changed direction and took off after them barking furiously. :eek::scared:

And then (this is the good part!) I yelled MAGGIE, she turned, COME, and she came straight back to me and sat at my feet. God I nearly had a heart attack, she was right about to run across the road but stopped at my command :cheer::cheer::champagne:

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