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In Season?


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My girl is due to come into season in October. But she is showing signs of coming in any day now. How abnormal is this? Should I have the vet check her? she is 18 months old.

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If you are counting 6 months from the last time she was in heat then she was in season in April and it would be somewhere around 9-12 weeks since she was in season? The hormone changes are virtually identical whether they are pregnant or not so sometime around 9 weeks after they are in season their body sudden realises it's not preggie, and it's quite common for them to look like they may be coming in again - it goes away within a week I've found.

Failing that she could be a 3 month-er, they're a total pain in the butt!

If she doesn't actually come in season but continues to look as if she might, it could be a good idea to get her checked out in case she has low-grade pyometra, that usually kicks in a little sooner after the end of the heat, but anything is possible.

Edited by Sandra777
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These days mating at 16 months is considered pretty young except in toy breeds. How many seasons has she had? Some bitches take a while to settle into a routine. A lot are not on a 6 month cycle. It could be signs of a phantom pregnancy you are seeing or it could be that the last season wasn't fertile and she is coming in again.

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